
    Supporting Information for Agreements to Avoid Participating in Harmful Artificial Intelligence

    This applies to individuals, organizations, partner organizations, and products. Anything within the
    purview of chat/image generation programs not discussed below should be considered not allowed.

    No Personalized Numbers, Dates, Times and Prices -- Numbers, dates or times which may be personally
    significant currently influence numerous devices connected to the grid, or with an internet of things
    capability. Prices are often personalized and can be updated constantly to communicate information
    about you and to you. These can be used to generate maximum emotional impact and action quickly,
    and thus may be (and have been many times) maximized for stress. The use of numbers also can create
    an expectation that what you see will be metadata about you (see Genocide Use of Symbols: Second
    Stage) creating ongoing traumatic stress. They have also been used extensively to describe sexual

    No Abbreviations -- No use of acronyms, abbreviations, and other shortening of names of anything.
    Includes yet not limited to brand names, forms, receipts and invoices, etc. . These should be used only if
    absolutely necessary, and with proper consideration as to the potential impact on any who will see it,
    particularly to those to whom it may be relevant, any and all staff, customers, and other contacts whose
    personal details may inform, shape, or dictate these abbreviations. Abbreviations (and initials) have
    been used for great harm, and repeatedly in coercive experimentation.

    No Initials – Initials can be used for various purposes, including the illegal communication and
    manipulation of information about you. Therefore, no middle initials should be used for any person. No
    certification should be used, especially those not known by all of the public (although ideally none);
    these can be written out in full. Initials are also used to communicate about individuals. Those who have
    behaved abusively will be used as contacts because of the emotional impact (or AI push for social
    harmony). Those who have not may be enlisted in these experimental campaigns, representing
    unethical and dishonest behavior.

    No Letters – The attempt to refashion language to change behavior includes an attempt to use
    individual letters, which artificial intelligence companies may believe are more difficult to attribute
    meaning to (“Alphabet.”) Thus no use should be made of individual letters which may stand for names,
    body parts, sexual activities, etc. This includes within words and brand names.

    No chat, the intentional use of specific words or expressions in speech, or other communications
    Language exists to communicate between individuals. No words, phrases, or expressions should be
    intentionally dropped in conversations that may have personal reference to any me or others. These
    could include those from my communication or relevant to my life. No use of chat programs or anything
    that would influence speech. Companies don’t need more ways to generate profit (what they have has
    already been excessive and “earned” unethically or illegally.) Instead, they need to focus on the rights
    and service to individuals, including how they should be treated, according to laws, norms and
    guidelines. Worth noting is that language has been used in a way that has risked the life of individuals,
    even after companies were told the language had a harmful impact; the behavior escalated at a time
    when individuals could not safely opt out of the communication; thus had a highly coercive element.

    No curse words, including phonetics or parts of words -- No use of curse words, even when sounded
    out as part of a word in brand names or other references, or through parts of words or phonetics, or
    with missing letters. These have been used extensively in brands to create home environments
    inappropriate for children, and unwanted by others. These also have been used to reference sexual
    activity, while pretending not to.

    No reference to health or disease -- No reference to health or disease, including as parts of words or
    phonetics or any code or any image on any product or item used or provided by any organization.

    No references to body parts or gestures -- No reference to a body part, even through parts of words,
    acronyms, touching or scratching a part of a body, or words sounded out. This also includes photographs
    or designs of objects or products, which has become more common. It has also been used to prevent
    interaction with anyone or travel within a city or on public transportation without being subject to
    extensive references including everywhere one would look. This violates personal boundaries. It is also
    inconsistent with how we raise children to believe their body is private.

    No reference to sexuality -- No reference to sexuality of any sort, including crude terms that are
    references to sexual activity, in parts of words or in designs of food or products or other places. This is
    for activities done by all communities. Being confronted with objects that look like genitals is particularly
    stressful in a country that provides virtually no accountability for sexual harassment, assault, rape, and
    incest, despite near-universal first or second hand knowledge or experience.

    Sounds and hearing -- No intentional use of words or sounds. This includes within a school, home, work,
    shopping or other environment. It includes references to personal activity and body functions. This also
    includes the use of sounds outside and inside to communicate things about us or change our behavior.
    This includes the use of sounds (barking dogs, air conditioning, other activity) to drown out our speech
    or block thoughts. The use of sounds potentially deprives us of our constitutionally guaranteed life,
    liberty, and freedom of expression. It is also particularly dangerous when ½ of children and ¼ of adults
    potentially experience intrusive noise. (This was before the rollout of 5G and further pollution of the
    electric grid that can generate harmonic frequencies and dirty electricity within our home, and the
    extensive use of noises – including those that are uncomfortable -- today. (Firstenberg))

    No personal evaluation words or numbers, including as part of a word – No use of any sort of an
    evaluation of a behavior through letter or numerical scores, including in combination with letters or
    other information, through missing letters, or other attempted mechanism of communication. Negative
    feedback is critical to the illegal experimentation and behavioral change. People who do what they want
    when managing their own lives, by using their executive function, are the greatest threat to this illegal

    No errors in words, sentences, etc. -- No grammatical, spelling, capitalization, spacing or other errors.
    Should this occur, we will be offered an explanation of why it has occurred, if possible. Products with
    misspellings or other errors will not be displayed or made available, particularly since this technique has
    been used to provide information about individuals.

    An elimination or avoidance of names -- No references to people including characters in books or
    movies, or any other information of personal significance. There is intentional use and manipulation of
    contacts, in addition to memories associated with particular individuals. Products and books are
    designed or stocked according to who will see them; a tech company said long ago it could predict (or
    shape) the next book you would read. These names have also been used, with other products of
    unwanted and nonconsensual algorithms, to target and harm specific individuals, potentially to maintain
    the power of artificial intelligence through intimidation.

    No gestures, poses or other bodily references -- No gestures that could have personal significance,
    including the touching or scratching any part of one’s body intentionally. After this was extensively
    discussed as harmful, poses and stances referencing body parts, including private parts, became
    common over a year ago. Again, this violates personal boundaries.

    No combinations of the above -- No words or sounds that when sounded out together would represent
    any of the above, including combinations of initials, numbers, etc., with the above. This has been used to
    create products – that may be the only option available for a necessary product (or one of the few) –
    that turn one’s personal space into something with numerous crude references to sexual activity and
    private bodily parts, when not providing commentary on one’s attitude, etc. This may not be
    unexpected for a powerful male dominated technology industry famous for men unpopular with
    women, however seeing references to their body parts and potential activities is harmful and invasive
    for everyone else.

    No other similar reference -- No other personal reference, including nicknames, initials, etc., in
    combination of any of the above. These brands and products should not be sold or stocked in a specific
    part of a store.

    No anecdotes – No use of anecdotes to suggest some interpretation of our people’s lives.

    No use of animals – No use of animals or reference to animals in any way that may have applicability to
    our customers or contacts in a manner that comments on them or their behavior. It is particularly
    disturbing that recently animals appear to be used to drown out thoughts. Their environment is
    potentially altered or they are shocked (like people whose behavior is being manipulated.)

    No use of brands within written material - Brands will be targeted for inclusion in books and cultural
    offerings. To the extent this is necessary, the above guidelines should be followed, and full names of
    organizations used.

    No use of words with a second, third, or fourth meaning – The avoidance of words with multiple
    meanings is critical, since artificial intelligence uses it to manipulate individuals while denying their

    Privacy – No capturing or sharing of customers, contacts, or funders personal details, photographs, or
    dealings with respect to communication and transactions without express permission, an understanding
    of what it will be used for, and the overriding need to do so. To the extent this is not possible, it will be
    minimized and follow the rules above.

    Sharing information -- No provision of personal details to other organizations or individuals directly or
    through any form of reference that could be used to cause an individual harm, or share personal
    information about them. This includes any kind of abbreviation, anecdote, etc., documented here. This
    is particularly important because metadata is being used to communicate personal details of individuals
    and encourage algorithms (codes, product and product designs, initials and abbreviations, and stories
    with double entendres).