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They Knew: What Was Censored Is Now The Basis for Unaccountable AI Coercion
Today no party demonstrates commitment to science and choice.
The longtime decoupling of health outcomes with market returns speaks to the perversion and
irrelevance of science in the food, pharmaceutical, medical, banking and technology industries.Campaigns for voting and vaccination have been expanded through artificial intelligence to
provide constant commentary, based on emotional reactions and surveillance, on personal
information such as our sexuality, health, weight, action, mood, etc.The ability to intensify non-scientific, non-consensual campaigns to reach all contacts, or
(email/mail) and to control all environments even your home (through smart meters and
moving things), to block thoughts, and to deliver targeted torturous feelings feeling like electric
shock represents a full negation of both science and choice from Americans’ lives.There is no major party that represents science and choice today in America. Artificial intelligence
represents the apotheosis of changing health and behavior, without any public and recognized
scientific method, with duress and coercion replacing self determination.Science – The COVID Irony: An Emergency Requiring Effective Prevention and Curative Measures That
Effectively Stopped Discussion About ThemThe censorship of science was extended, especially during COVID epidemic, with months of nonstop
coverage in apparent seek of a solution. Yet those who questioned the safety or efficacy of the vaccine,
or suggested alternative mechanisms of prevention or cure were silenced, censored, or otherwise
prevented from having their ideas receive fair consideration. Today unsuccessful or controversial
measures are advocated. And those that did work (or similar ones) and were stopped are a major part of
the artificial intelligence health campaigns today.Some inaccuracies proclaimed by government, media, or other leaders include:
- It is unusual for animals to catch a disease before or at the same time. Yet for thousands of
years, animals have caught the flu simultaneously, with twelve epidemics in the eighteenth and
nineteenth centuries in which horses caught the flu before humans. The December 1889 flu-like
symptoms in British horses were used to predict a human pandemic, and there were numerous
illnesses in various animals in the 1918-1919 pandemic. (Firstenberg.) - The COVID vaccine was going to prevent almost everyone from catching COVID. In some nations,
similar numbers of vaccinated and unvaccinated people were diagnosed with COVID (and
hospitalized). - There were no side effects (questioners were called “anti-vax,” even while Britain was planning
to expand services to support those who would experience with side effects), and
pharmaceutical companies were fighting governments all over the world to limit or eliminate
their liability for harms. - There were no other solutions to this “emergency” despite a variety of food, spices, generic
drugs, herbal cures used globally for health and to fight the pre-existing conditions tied to
chronic inflammation, which appears to be linked to many deaths.
- I published an article of a path forward based on reducing exposure to electromagnetic
radiation according to independent scientific standards for healthy living spaces, promoting
widespread evaluation of living spaces, advising turning cell phones to airplane mode, and to
look to alternative solutions globally (which should have been covered anyway by our media).
Within a few days, at least two vaccine approvals were granted, one in America (for children),
and one overseas.
- I wrote my editor suggesting covering a video on ivermectin, promoted by highly accomplished
doctors and used successfully worldwide, and a video of a doctor who was seeing reduced
immunity after the vaccine. The next day (a Sunday) it was announced the Pfizer vaccine would
receive full approval. The day after it did. On Wednesday, I published the transcripts (which
have now disappeared from my gmail, despite some searches that go back to that month). - No one could be hurt by the vaccine: this line stands in contrast to numerous ads for medications
instructing you to ask your doctor before you have a vaccine. (A CNN commentator even said
that there were no reports of adverse effects in a young group; such a clear lie that her guest
refused to repeat it.) - Lockdowns were required. An article in an Australian paper which compared various countries
did not reach the same conclusion (Japan and Sweden, which did not lock down, had somewhat
similar outcomes to Australia for 2020 and 2021.) Australia was heavily locked down, including
Melbourne for 270 days over the course of one year. Australia’s death rate jumped 20 percent
in deaths versus pre-COVID in 2022. Also, the study which that decision was based on appears
flawed. - Masks were not dangerous to anyone. Children in China who were exercising collapsed when
using masks, and much disease may be related to not being able to properly use oxygen. They
can certainly be helpful in some circumstances.
Science: Food and Substances Banned Elsewhere in the Greatest Country on Earth; Advice Biased
- Substances banned in numerous other countries are covered or discussed as if they were safe for
Americans. - The same is true for genetically modified foods.
- A food pyramid lacks critical information: It does not specify how the food is grown, include
preparation, or include herbs and spices. Cuisines and practices developed over thousands of
years to promote health are largely ignored.
Science: Artificial intelligence Does Not Reflect the Scientific Process While Coercing “Health”-Based
and Other Behavior- Secretive artificial intelligence is not a valid way to run non-consensual personal or large-scale
health communications. - Most relevant sections of the Nurembourg Code, which are violated by artificial intelligence, are
not conformed to in its experimentation (and can not be, by definition).
The Coercive Pressure of COVID Vaccination Is Extended With Artificial Intelligence
Coercion throughout COVID (lockdowns, masks, vaccination) has been greatly extended in invasiveness
and scope.- Choice was diminished with personal interactions influenced to exert pressure to vaccinate.
Relationships were undermined to make it a wedge issue (especially in America, see my article Big
Pharma is Dividing My Country, if you have it.) - Artificial intelligence, with its use of isolation, “gossiping,” chat and language appropriation,
coercion, sensory overload and torture often effectively destroys or otherwise harms choice (and health.)
Questions Regarding Consent, Choice, and Science
Artificial intelligence represents a culmination of the trends to ignore both science and choice. The
following questions should be asked:- What data goes into algorithms (large language models, chat, rules, etc.) which are developed?
- Where is the evidence that people agree to have that data collected? Having a call recorded when you seek to continue some important services in your life under the guise of "quality assurance" does not represent the use of this information for anything other than to ensure you get better service (which, of course, is not the point.)
- Where is the evidence they give meaningful consent in the light of other equal options they
should have for utilities or things necessary for life which do not collect data (such as programs
to communicate with family, do work, conduct banking, travel, make purchases, etc.)? - Where is the science demonstrating that the algorithms meet scientific standards (impossible, I
believe)? - Where is the peer review of qualified practitioners?
- Where is the consent for experimental subjects based on the Nurembourg Code (and see
Appendix for other violations)? - Is it possible to stop the experiment? (No. The rule has often been widely dispersed into where
you live and go, and will not be reversed. Meanwhile, others have potentially seen or measured
your reaction can also use it, even if one particular algorithm does not.) - Where is the liability for harms? (Particularly disturbing is Elon Musk covering chat legal costs.)
- Who is a practitioner? What are their qualifications?
- Are you measuring illegal experimentation on a population that already experiences extensive
illegal experimentation (yes) which they may even not know is the case? - How do you know you are not further violating their rights and/or causing additional trauma?
- How do you know that you are not manipulating them when they are vulnerable because of the
physical stress of electromagnetic radiation and (potentially related) emotional state, given that
information is available and being used to drive purchases and other actions?
See Nurembourg Code appendix.
Campaigns Involving Topics Banned (Like Parasites) and The Way Forward
There clearly are major public health issues. A rise in death rates from 2015 to 2019 in numerous
countries, even as late as 2022, speaks to a public health crisis. Even a five percent rise in death rates
annually (even after peak COVID, from 2022 on) would account for extra hundreds of thousands of
deaths here. Many countries experienced a 5, 10 or 20 percent rise for one or more years in 2022 and/or 2023.This is rarely discussed. However, just a few years ago, almost every day we spoke of nothing except public health. The
government and media can choose to address the cause of any crisis publicly at any time.
Worth noting, and relevant to the above, is the misinformation used about ivermectin, which was
rolled out successfully in many places worldwide to prevent or cure COVID. The COVID 19 Critical Care
Alliance assembled extensive information on it. Yet it was branded a “horse drug” with information
essentially blocked about its use in humans four billion times, its Food and Drug Administration
approval for two conditions, its Novel Prize (for ending river blindness), and its low price (a few cents,
overseas). While the Alliance says there were many ways it could function as an anti-viral; it also has
been extensively used as an anti-parasitic, and could potentially decrease susceptibility to the COVID
virus or improve outcomes through that function also. A book now says it could have ended the global
crisis. However, no helpful information was available through the mainstream media who even lied
about hospitals being filled up with those who overdosed, when not repeating other misinformation.Shortly after, when the world is experiencing millions of excess deaths it either can not or chooses not
to explain, there is extensive use of references to parasites, and body parts such that may be affected
with it sometimes unable to see a menu, visit a store, review one’s mail, etc., without seeing them. It
may also be part of artificial intelligence that now has moved from psychological abuse (sensory
overload, gangstalking, having everyone around you do something) to physical harm (electric shocks.)Now technology companies reference the harms of (see excel spreadsheet in zip file) for top media and
product offerings. They appear to demonstrate the harms of electromagnetic radiation, which is also
the subject of algorithmic campaigns.This is in conjunction with artificial intelligence campaigns that appear to attempt to drop in words,
abbreviations, or parts of words with for parasites, viruses or bacteria like “lice,” “nit,” “mite,” “bite,”
“bit,” “body odor,” and other words.- How big a problem are they? How many people are affected?
- Are they causing sudden deaths through the increased difficulty using oxygen (with the brain
and organs using much of it), or by another method? - What are the warning signs, if so?
- What should be done?
This is not misinformation, this is an attempt to stop references that will limit shopping, reading, and
other activities necessary for life, and to persuade government to avoid harm, and do its job.Simultaneously we see targeting and artificial intelligence which contain references to
electromagnetic radiation, when my related calls to remediate houses was met with vaccine
approvals. Similarly other health practitioners who have been speaking of the harm and necessity of
protection – even saying recovery from Lyme was impossible within an electromagnetically polluted
environment – were silenced or persecuted. It is not conceivable that companies did not hear the
warnings of former Microsoft Canada president Frank Clegg, the5gappeal and numerous other
appeals, etc., in fact their plans for an addicted population with more limited use of public places and
their body (the metaverse) speaks to such knowledge.Independence
Use a text section to describe your values, show more info, summarize a topic, or tell a story. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore.- It is unusual for animals to catch a disease before or at the same time. Yet for thousands of
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