• Transgender/Gay Movement: Uniquely Positioned to Speak to Technology Effects on Hormones, The Harms of Outing (and Doxxing)

    Few in the gay and transgender movement understand the profound stress of their environment and
    devices, which likely leads to hormone and gene damage.

    Additionally, it creates numerous common physical problems make them seem less alive.

    These sensitive individuals may be particularly vulnerable to addiction.

    Championing a change in identity or sexuality, without providing relevant health knowledge, is
    somewhere between a disservice and a crime. (This does not mean there will not be those with other

    This group and movement are particularly well positioned to champion discussion of the science,
    relevant health evaluations, and to push for achieving a world free of technological harm and

    The gay movement seeks to consolidate power after the neglect of AIDS crises and vicious hate crimes.

    Yet the broad appeal and alliances have resulted in narrowing campaigns from marriage, to bathroom
    access, to sex change operations.

    They are right in seeing this group as vulnerable: this group has greater vulnerability, (potentially in the
    form of electrical and perhaps chemical sensitivity), than the average individual. The leadership must
    champion the issue of stopping the outing of personal and sexual information, health information, etc.
    as experts understanding its potential manifest harms, and work to create physically and emotionally
    safe spaces threatened by electromagnetic radiation and artificial intelligence. They must ensure that
    this group understands its own health and the new environment (see Children Appendix also).

    Not understanding a mismatch between their bodies and their reality – the physical and psychological
    stress induced by electromagnetic radiation, artificial intelligence, and bodily deterioration -- places
    them in a particularly vulnerable position. They can misinterpret the causes of stress. They can
    misdiagnose the cures, including imposing a false identity which may explain the recent rise of more
    radical behavior, including changes to gender identity.

    This movement is powerful, especially in the United States. They need to understand and promulgate
    the realities and the related rights of this and other communities.
    There is extensive evidence of damage from the electromagnetic radiation that may affect the identity
    and sexuality of individuals: including that of hormones, the reproductive system, gene damage,
    hearing, addiction, less ability to use oxygen, etc. This represents just a few studies.


    (Formatting is changing to be incorrect; please take into account while reading.)


    Relevant Scientific Damage – Hormonal (Pinealt, unless other source mentioned)

    Males Sperms 

    • Using laptop on your lap, especially with Wifi, decreases mobility and
      sperm count, while causing DNA damage.
    • Supported by multiple studies, one paper showed using your laptop for
      four hours makes ¼ of spermatozoids essentially useless. (Argentinian
    • Heavy cellphone users have a 40 percent lower sperm count, than those
      not using a cell phone. Sperm quality is “closely linked to your overall health.”
    • Six studies that represent meta-analysis looked at almost 200 studies.
      These meta-analysis found reduced sperm quality, sperm effects,
      fertilizing potential, sperm quality, semen parameters, and mitochondrial
      dysfunction leading to oxidative stress.



    • Exposing rats to the cell phone frequency of 900 MHz for two hours a day
      for 45 days leads to a reduction in their testosterone levels. They were
      only about 1/3 as high at the end of the experiment.
    • Given the effects on sperm quality, it seems possible to have similar
      effects on sexual hormones, like testosterone.
    • A rat study showing exposure during pregnancy caused offspring to suffer
      from oxidative damage to the testicles, resulting in early puberty.

    Erectile dysfunction

    • Researchers found links in 2013, with large scale studies confirming the
    • Neurocirculatory asthenia, undoubtedly widespread, speaks to the
      circulation issue. (see appendix)
    • Anecdotal Earthing stories support an electric link (Earthing), including the
      benefit from improved circulation.



    • 180 female workers exposed for one year found radiation led to a
      significant increase in menstrual disorders, including heavy bleeding and
      less progesterone. There could be similar effects with female testosterone
    • Direct exposure to a 900MHz phone signal leads to endometrial damage at
      the biochemical and cellular levels.
      Eggs are not renewable; 12 percent are left by age 30 and 3 percent age
    • Anecdotally reducing dirty electricity leads to less problems getting
      pregnant and less spontaneous abortions.



    • The 2004 REFLEX study by the European Union “demonstrated that cell
      phones that emit radio frequencies below allowed exposure limits display
      gene damaging potential.”
    • Citations in 5gappeal and many other sources.
    • Less Alive, Less Ability to Use Oxygen
    • Kreb cycle – When any functioning of the elements of the electron
      transport chain is changed, combustion of foods is impaired, with protein,
      fats and carbohydrates competing with each other, and ending up in the
      bloodstream: e.g., fats in arteries, glucose in urine. The brain, heart,
      muscles and organs become oxygen deprived and life slows down and
      breaks down.
    • (More detail for above.) Albert Szent Goyri (Novel Prize winner) He talked
      about the “enzymes of oxidation” (the cytochromes in our cells). He saw
      reduced activity of cytochrome oxidase (shown in animals exposed to low
      levels) and through muscle biopsies.
    • He wondered how a whole series of large protein molecules could be
      arranged geometrically so that electrons could wander directly from one
      to another in a precise sequence (Firstenberg) and decided the body
      functioning was based primarily on physics. Electromagnetic fields reduce
      the activities of cytochromes by exerting a force that alters the speed of
      electrons being transported along the chain of cytochromes to oxygen/
      Every person on the planet is affected by electromagnetic radiation goes
      into the fabric of our cells, with slower metabolism, being less alive than if
      the fields were not there.
    • Neurasthenia involves being able to extract less oxygen from the same air
      (validated through World War II study, same condition was seen for
      virtually every war (see heart document), and cells extract less energy
      from the same amount of oxygen.
    • Electromagnetic fields promote cancer, diabetes, and heart disease …
      oxygen deprivation promotes headaches, fatigue, heart palpitation, “brain
      fog” and muscular aches and pain.” (Firstenberg, more detail also in heart
      and speech documents and other sources.)
    • Hearing
    • Two studies suggest ½ off children and 1/4 of adults hear intrusive noise,
      which may be inescapable (before COVID and even greater pollution of
      the grid).
    • Brain and spinal cords
    • Extensive brain damage through radiation (see brain document).
      Research on rats with cell phone radiation showed less brain cells in the
      hippocampus (learning and memory) and shrunken neurons.
    • A single two-hour exposure disrupted to the blood-brain barrier of rats
      within two minutes.
    • Younger rats (whose brain was still developing, like human teenagers)
      were exposed once to a cell phone for two hours with up to two percent
      of the neurons in all of the brain shrunken and degenerated when
      autopsied 8 weeks later.
    • Two hours of exposure for adolescent rats, once a week, resulted in
      middle age memory deficits.
    • One hour a day for a month resulted in 10 percent fewer brain cells, and
      many cells abnormal, dark, or shrunken.
    • Early to mid-adolescent rats exposed for an hour a day to cell-phone-like
      radiation had atrophied spinal cords, and major losses of myelin like for
      those with multiple sclerosis.
    • Addiction
    • A majority of children in various countries were unable to last the day
      without access to their cell phones (Zuboff.) (see brain document for brain
    • The brains of internet addicts – estimated as 10 to 30 percent – resemble
      those of alcohol or drug addicts. (2012 book by me, unsure of source.)
    • Grooming “Effects of radio tagging birds, according to this and other reports, have
      included increased preening, weight loss, abandonment of brood,
      reduced time spent in flight, increased metabolism, avoidance of water,
      decreased courtship activity, decreased feeding activity, decreased clutch
      survival, reduced wing growth, greater susceptibility to predation, lower
      reproductive success and increased mortality.” (Firstenberg)
      Now we see hair and nail salons and spas taking over; bookstores, record
      stores, and video stores have largely disappeared.
    • Lack of knowledge and accountability
    • Perhaps the biggest issue, despite all the science, is the effects of
      electromagnetic radiation and addiction on our bodies, and an accurate
      understanding of our health. In the absence of stress – it is easy,
      particularly during childhood and adolescence in a connected world – to
      think the problem is with our bodies. Our communities do not speak to
      discomfort within their bodies.
    • Electromagnetic hypersensitivity
    • The community is famous for being “sensitive.” Yet in a medical sense,
      chemical and electromagnetic sensitivity represents physical illness and
      reaction to what are increasingly omnipresent unhealthy conditions.
    • Chronic inflammation
    • It has been estimated as causing or contributing to 80
      major illnesses, with the most common chronic diseases costing us $1
      trillion economically, with potential growth to $6 trillion by the middle of
      the century. (Earthing, which reduces body voltage and provides a supply
      of electrons works on inflammation). Consistent with this would also be asking the effect of a change on the Krebs cycle on inflammation.

    Artificial intelligence

    • Education is also critical for this community, who may not understand
      what is collected on them and how their environment is manipulated
      through rules to coerce them. In particular, extensive references to sexual
      activities and positions, body parts, and self-image are damaging, perhaps
      more so for this community (see privacy Zuboff.)
    • Every potential gay and transsexual person deserves the following education and treatment. While we
      all do, these groups may have particular vulnerabilities based on their biology, exposure, and
    • Health tests
    • Mold (may be in a majority of homes, worsened by Wifi frequencies with one measure (Dr. Klinghardt finding 600x more growth), may impacts oxygen utilization and functioning of organs).
    • Inflammation markers
    • Cortisol tests at different times of the day
    • Autoimmune markers
    • Basic blood tests
    • Lyme and its co-infections (to include testing used by alternative practitioners)
    • Parasitic evaluation
    • Hormone levels
    • Brain/cognition
    • Heart
    • Zeta potential
    • Screening for common diseases
    • Electromagnetic hypersensitivity
    • Their homes should be consistent with International Building Biology Guidelines based on
      independent science, and they deserve evaluations and mitigation to protect their brain and
      body from unsafe levels of electromagnetic radiation (electric, magnetic, radiofrequency, dirty

    Education for this Community (see Children section also for more detail)

    • Infrastructure that exists
    • What may be collected on them
    • How it is processed
    • Science of electromagnetic radiation – short term effects and longer term
    • How AI may reach them (brands, visuals on products, actions/gestures/words of people)
    • What their rights are
    • How to communicate these rights to organizations violating them
    • How to find spaces that are safe and healthy from an infrastructure and AI perspective
    • How to communicate to adults about the violation of their rights and the impact on them
    • Political organizing

    • The following may help the community think about how they can best serve their community with their
      organization and power.
    • Gay and Transgender Movement Is In a Uniquely Strong Position to Challenge 5G/AI
    • Strengths
      Outreach to both parties
      Cultural inclusion in shows
      Political power
      Ability to place issues
      Weaknesses and Threats
      Push of extreme issues alienates traditional allies
      Media thrives on controversial, emotional-laden, non-economic capitalist issues
      “Sensitive:” understanding and protecting electric and chemically sensitive (likely disproportionately within this group)
      “Outing:” stop the use of personal behavior (health, sexual, etc.) referenced in brands and bychat/people, major reforms or elimination of artificial intelligence
      Medical evaluation pertinent to health issues versus the false science/health of AI or the metaverseon local and national stage
      Inclusion in curriculum of science relating to radiation/AI
      Right wing backlash in part due to increased focus on social over economic issues, this may help make allies
      Social ostracization of members, can address effects AI
      Science of addiction given what appears to be a particularly vulnerable community
      Science of evaluation prior to sex change including health basis rolled out more widely
      Education on above topics for community and all

    Technology Support for the Community: Questionable in Motivation and Devotion
    The technological community (including those who fund them) loves gay and transgender people (and
    immigrants.) It is important to look at their business imperatives, which appear to dictate their personal

    They seek:

    • A community or other way to get people to reach people (even while sounds and shocks are
      likely being rolled out much more extensively).
    • Ways to get people to react to algorithms and rules.
    • People and behavior which pose no threat to “artificial intelligence” objectives and operation.
    • People who do not believe in artificial intelligence or infrastructure harms, even while
      experiencing it potentially almost continuously.
    • People who interpret short- and long-term physical stress and harm as something solvable by
      technology (community, connections, behavior to be “followed,” etc.), especially during
      technology’s rollout of metaverse(s), including brain:machine interfaces which further
      destroying boundaries.

    Despite the vulnerability of all globally, the gay and transgender community, particularly the youth, may
    be some canaries in the coal mine.

    How does the change in identity or sexuality (in what appears to be an increasingly fluid manner) serve

    • These people do not identify as victims of technology or artificial intelligence, although they are
      likely both (of course some people will always have other identities, although it is possible that
      some are environmentally or chemically sensitive).
    • These people do not identify their environments as harmful, which could help lead a movement
      for safe and healthy homes, schools, etc.
    • These people do not isolate; they just find a new community.
    • The community is not strongly aligned with any political change with respect to regulation,
      inequality, health, etc., outside of that which affects it, according to community priorities.
    • Their activities, protests, and narrow campaigns provides a topic for media coverage.
    • People can be redirected for healthy behavior: changing their dress, hair, makeup, hair products,
      grooming, jewelry, etc. from male to female, or vice versa. Instead of defining it as something
      that eliminates the cause of inflammation and disease, and potentially asking what the causes of
      inflammation are, they feel empowered as gay, women, men, etc.

      Also worth noting is technology community does not believe in government or politics (unless it involves
      giving them contracts, legal immunity, or greater control. It is worth noting the lack of government
      regulation has led to them being Americans, then global citizens, then near-future bunker-residents (if
      spaceships to Wifi-enabled Mars aren’t ready.) More to the point, solutions for others need to avoid
      government regulation, or like action also.


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