
    Commitments by Companies and Individuals to Fight the “Uncontract” and Artificial Intelligence

    This is a contract or agreement that would have been inconceivable a few years ago. The
    implementation of a vast infrastructure of spying and manipulation now includes:

    • Ways to communicate information about a person to another person on a real-time basis. This
      may sometimes include communicating mood, thoughts, activities, or some (inappropriate)
      interpretation of their life or relationships.
    • Ways to communicate information about that person to or through an organization
      (potentially including banks, companies, the government, etc.) on a real-time basis. (This is an
      attempt for technology companies to avoid criminal conspiracy, racketeering, or other charges.)
    • Ways to attempt to change the behavior of that individual (change what you are eating, stop
      eating, stop talking, stop your thoughts, clean, contact someone, go to the bathroom, change,
    • Ways to record the reaction of the attempt to change the behavior
    • Ways to further design a model of everything that person responds to and how
    • Ways to potentially step up behavior modification attempts, to include sensory overload,
      electric shock, uncomfortable noises, etc.

    No ethical individual or company would choose to willingly participate in this new artificial
    intelligence/5G/internet-of-things/surveillance capitalism architecture. No nation serving the public
    interest would fail to hold any individual or organization responsible for harm.

    However, there are many ways to enroll others in such illegal activity:

    • An attempt to have big tech partners take over or influence part of the business process
      (pricing, inventory management, marketing.) The move to more entrepreneurial models,
      “influencing,” and social media do not eliminate the need for services and systems within a
      traditional model, it just moves its control to big technology, who can use it to serve their own
    • An attempt to influence individuals at vulnerable times, including at times when their brains
      may be affected by proximity to technology, or when their mood may demonstrate vulnerability
      to pressure. Widely accepted and documented brain damage, particularly during close exposure
      to wireless technologies, may come into play. (thus most the fact texts that are typed by literate
      people are rarely correct in spelling, grammar, and punctuation.)
    • Coercion and use of rules, sights, noises and shocks to condition people, which may change
      from emphasizing positive to negative behaviors, and different behaviors on an ongoing basis.
    • Deception about all of this with the pretension this is a win:win for everyone.
    • Therefore what is listed below represents an attempt to take extra measures to return the integrity of
      relationship of a few years ago, and to protect all involved from harm, while there is enormous incentive
      for others to force artificial intelligence into the relationship or business process.

    Below represents what we should expect of companies and, in a modified form, of each other, to
    reset social norms. Companies should sign or post such an agreement, individuals may also. For detail
    on each item, see the relevant appendix.

    In any communication with me, or with partners, affiliates, associates, any form of media, or other
    organizations with reference to me, the following will be adhered to. This includes actions and
    communications all of organizations’ staff -- whether contractors, suppliers, waiters, or other
    management or staff -- and all organizational written or electronic material (menus, documents, annual
    reports, displays, license plates, brands, product names, protests, instructions (in English or other
    languages), etc.) Therefore, all partners should follow the same behavior, that is described below.
    I also may seek individuals or groups to review products, scripts, packaging, etc. familiar with bodily,
    health, sexual, and other terms, and the common techniques of artificial intelligence to help stop my


    For each, one can mark down whether "I agree, I do not agree, I will make my best effort, I don’t understand and need to discuss."

    There will be:

    Respect for Privacy

    No use of music with words, or that references music with words or anything driven by AI
    No use of chat or other such technologies to shape wording or behavior or images
    No use of numbers, dates, prices, and times that could be or have been informed by AI
    No use of acronyms or abbreviations
    No words dropped in conversations or in mail or communications given or shown to me (includes no “chat”)
    No curse words, including phonetics or parts of words.
    No references to health or disease, even through words which have a double/triple or quadruple meaning, or are parts of words. This includes photos or designs that look like disfigured or diseased parts of bodies, unless the product is specifically designed for a health condition.
    No references to insects or pests, even through words which have a double/triple or quadruple meaning, or are parts of
    words. This includes photos or designs that look like insects, unless the product is specifically designed and sold to address pests.
    No instructions that have a double/triple or quadruple meaning, including any reference to body part, pest, disease or death.
    An avoidance of colloquial terms and expressions including verbal interrupters and other expressions with multiple
    No references to body parts, including gestures and stances, and through words which have a double meaning, or are parts of words.
    No references to sexuality, sexual terms, or sexual activities even through words which have a double meaning, or are parts of words.
    No sharing of information
    No use of sounds and hearing
    No personal evaluation words or numbers, including as part of a word.
    No errors in words, sentences, etc.
    An elimination or avoidance of names
    No gestures
    No combinations of the above
    No other similar reference.
    No anecdotes
    No use of animals
    No use of anything else consistent with the intention of these

    Avoid Using Information From Other Sources

    We will also avoid using any information provided to us from any other source -- including through the media or over the internet, programs or products used by us or any company, mail or email, texts, etc. -- to shape or affect the interactions with our customers or contacts, unless we believe it will not cause harm to them.
    Algorithms are expected to cause harm.

    We will pay special attention to ensure the avoidance of any terms or communications that have not been used for an extended period of time, as outlined in this document. This includes using organizations’ names, news stories, greetings, etc., that could have the potential to cause our customers and contacts harm. We will
    not update pricing frequently.

    Accountability and Justice When Harmed

    When our customers and contacts are harmed, either through an individual instance or what is specified in this document, or through one or more uses as what may be part of an algorithmic, artificial intelligence, or other campaign, they may take action. This may include reaching out to another organization, appealing to law enforcement and legal mechanisms at the local, state, national, or international level (avoiding arbitration if they so decide), or other actions. They may document either a singular instance, or pattern of behavior or communications.

    Action To Be Taken When Information Is Shared

    In the case that our customers or contacts believe that any information is specific to them or their
    families, or relates to their private details, as described in this document, has been communicated to or
    through them, we will do the following:

    For any words, terms, numbers, gestures, etc., of personal significance to be avoided.

    For information of this harmful communication to be shared with our customers or contacts.

    For information within this communication not to be shared with anyone else, except as described below.

    We will consider:

    a) informing the partner, media outlet, etc. of the inappropriate communication (without specific
    explanation, if preferred or appears appropriate),
    b) to stop dealings by all staff with the individual or organization that used the communication
    permanently, or for some time,
    c) to organize a boycott, sanction, or other measure of the original source of the information or organizations
    used to spread it (including big technology organizations as appropriate) to prevent harm to other
    customers, clients, and people, and/or,
    d) to lead or help with an investigation into the original and propagating sources of the communication, term,
    number, etc., including any artificial intelligence program. This includes the use of the justice system.
    This may involve investigating the flow through multiple sources, including artificial intelligence and

    This includes documents, processes, etc., available publicly that may be informed by personal
    information, actions, etc. of our customers and contacts.

    Other Behaviors and Documentation Consistent with the Intent of this Document

    While no document can cover the full range of interactions, we will treat our customers and contacts
    with the core values of respect for their privacy and autonomy, per the intent of this document. This
    includes when it affects their relationships and communications with any other organization or
    partner; relative or friend; or their use of products, programs or apps; traditional or social media; or the

    This includes any writing that we may do and distribute that we believe may have reference to our customers
    and contacts. Of course, Google searches, shows, interactions, etc., all take into account one’s identity
    and connections with others, and we accept the identifying information or details of our
    communications and actions will likely be tried to be used to influence others.

    Should I violate this agreement in a manner that causes harm, either intentionally or not intentionally, I will:

    a) Admit to all instances of this behavior
    b) Describe the related source, if applicable
    c) Apologize without reference to my motivation
    d) Take action with staff and policies
    e) Again, agree to this document’s provisions, or a modified form, should it be desired by any
    customer or contact.

    Other Recourse to Protect Health and Freedom

    Additionally, our customers and contacts will be able to let us know that certain names, terms or
    communications are harmful to their mental, physical or emotional wellbeing, without explaining why. If this
    is the case, our customers and contacts can choose to end the relationship with us to protect our wellbeing,
    or they can choose to give us more chances to meet their expectations for respect and privacy in this new
    world that presents one of the greatest historical threats to our social, political and economic order; and
    to our humanity.