• Environmental Movement: Use Reach to Fight 5G, Electromagnetic Radiation and the Internet of Things and Against the Extinction of Human Life and Humanity

    The environmental movement has made numerous gains for which we are grateful. However, most major groups have
    virtually ignored the greatest threat to the environment, people, animals, and nature.


    This is the current technology (especially 5G) along with the engines and artificial intelligence/coercion, which will have a more devastating effect more quicklyon the planet and its people than climate change (and in fact, the weather appears controlled).


    The technology industry has had tremendous power, especially with its control over social media
    and search engines, and has been a critical partner. Therefore, it would have been a difficult choice
    to make to take on this critical, yet challenging, priority.


    However the environmental movement has also (often unintentionally) promoted this harm:
    including allowing pollution of the grid resulting in noise and dirty energy (harmful harmonics) in
    the name of management of energy to save the climate, the use of dangerous technology to
    monitor animals, the phasing out of incandescent light bulbs, etc..


    Beyond the extensively documented effects on the brain, heart, cognition, nerves, organs,
    etc., this infrastructure makes it possible to surveil, control, experiment, and torture people
    in a way that was not possible before, and is happening now.


    The position of the movement, broadly speaking, is understandable given the current power
    structure, yet it is necessary to immediately change course.


    The Earth is being destroyed. What is happening is the largest environmental disaster in the history of
    mankind. It is by far the greatest threat to humanity, animals and nature. It affects homes, workplaces,
    parks, space, and the weather. Animals, humans, and nature feel far more dangerous effects than
    before. The environmental movement, which has done much good work, virtually does not discuss this.
    Thus it has missed its most important and vital work, potentially in the history of mankind.


    Much of this is understandable. Corporations have effectively figured out how to sue, silence, drown
    out, or intimidate those who speak of the risks of their products, or their plans for the future. The
    government and technology corporations downplayed (lied about) the scope and operation of their
    plans for 5G and artificial intelligence. So too did they sell a false solution of eliminating the risks to
    humanity of climate change through energy efficiency and grid management/device control.
    Additionally, there is always a lot of work to do, and a tendency for the community to see the environment too narrowly, given extensive current environmental challenges and a constant search for funds.


    The environmental movement, generally, I believe, did not understand 5G. Nor did they the harm from
    electromagnetic radiation, representing the biggest pollutant and with electromagnetic radiation having
    a 150-year record of science showing harm and 10,000 studies. It was sold as the solution to a looming,
    critical climate crises by companies. This solution was in many ways harmful (except it is now clear the
    weather can be controlled, given lightning strikes and rain that have corresponded to my writing,
    thoughts, or actions.) The movement can take on both issues using historic strengths and a broad view,
    especially given experience raising the visibility of climate issues. More information is in different
    sections of the document.


    Environmental Movement Can Focus on Science and Public Health in Challenge to 5G/AI


    Power of the climate change movement
    Longstanding outreach to those concerned about the Earth including in the Global South, e.g., World Social
    Forum, on many issues
    History of mobilization for protest
    Global grassroots movement on diverse issues
    critical to life


    Weaknesses or Threats
    Tendency to work too closely with corporations because of political stagnation on issues and dysfunctional, insider-based American politics.
    Light bulbs may have net zero effect, contributing harmful dirty electricity and grid pollution
    Allowed smart appliances introduction (wireless, surveillance) without clear benefits and with physical harm, tied to this non-solution.
    COVID food quality declines due to small business’ financial losses and food delivery charges.
    Strength of becoming mainstream create “win/win” solutions for Big Environment plus Big Business.


    Electromagnetic radiation (smart meters, internet of things) top environment threat.
    Can speak to International Building Biology guidelines and solutions.
    Escape to parks and creation of zones for sensitive individuals (longstanding priority of many appeals).
    Food and labor revolution consistent with regenerative agriculture (free of technology.
    Opposition to sustainable agriculture including genetically modified organisms or