• Sources

    1.“The Invisible Rainbow: A History of Electricity and Life”, by Arthur Firstenberg – Written by someone
    who became electrosensitive, this provides extensive research linking electromagnetic fields to
    electromagnetic hypersensitivity symptoms over centuries, as well as to diabetes, heart disease, tinnitus
    and other debilitating health issues. Here is the link to his Cell Phone Task Force: https://www.cellphonetaskforce.org The link to the international appeal against 5G for which he is a lead author as I understand it is below.

    2.“Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity: A Summary” (1) (summarized from “Electromagnetic Health for
    Children”) by British researcher Dr. Erica Mallery-Blythe, December 2014. A summary of electromagnetic
    hypersensitivity to include the definition, the symptoms, how it is exposure induced, characteristics, and
    that is highly prevalent and rapidly rising, with a focus on children and vulnerable groups.

    3.“The Non-Tinfoil Guide to EMFs: How to Fix Our Stupid Use of Technology” by Nicolas Pinealt – The
    first half of the book provides extensive research on the effects of electromagnetic fields. The second
    half describes specific steps to limit exposure.

    4.Freiburger Appeal from 9 October 2002 from many international doctors calling for stricter safety
    limits, education of the public, and bans of cell phones in schools. (Many other appeals preceded and
    followed. Many medical professionals and groups continue the fight.)

    5.Physicians for Safe Technology – This describes the condition and its biomarkers. It provides
    presentation,s and calls for doctors to be educated by about electromagnetic hypersensitivity.

    6.We are the evidence – This advocacy group for those injured by wireless technology describes the
    harms of wireless technology, and tells the stories of the injured, including those of high-profile
    individuals. (https://www.wearetheevidence.org/)

    7. TEDx Talk: Wireless Wakeup Call by Jeromy Johnson Talk This details about a Stanford professor’s
    journey into electromagnetic hypersensitivity. (https://www.emfanalysis.com/tedx-wireless-wake-up�call/)

    8. UN Staff Member Calls Out Secretary-General on 5G (Claire Edwards: 5G is War on Humanity) United
    Nations’ staff member highlights the electromagnetic radiation effects on staff, including herself, in the
    United Nations office in Vienna, after powerful WiFi and cellphone access points were
    installed. (http://takebackyourpower.net/un-staff-member-5g-is-war-on-humanity)

    9. Austrian Medical Association Guidelines for Diagnosing and Treating EHS From 2012, outlines how
    one's history of health problems and electromagnetic field exposure; and heart, urine, saliva, blood and
    other tests can be used to diagnose and treat electromagnetic hypersensitivity.

    10. “20,000 Satellites for 5G to be Launched Sending Focused Beams of Intense Microwave Radiation
    Over Entire Earth” (https://healthimpactnews.com/2019/20000-satellites-for-5g-to-be-launched�sending-focused-beams-of-intense-microwave-radiation-over-entire-earth/) The article describes
    plans for 20,000 new satellites to be put into space, with SpaceX receiving approval for 4,425 in a plan to
    provide global 5G. Only roughly 1300 low orbit ones exist now. It describes how the beams will be
    strong enough to pass through walls and human flesh. The effective radiated power of the 5G antennas
    in phones is expected to be 10 times greater than 4G phones, and 5G beams of microwave radiation
    would also be communicated from new computer equipment, household appliances, and automobiles.
    Wi-Fi hubs in homes and offices would use microwave beams that are 15 times stronger (300 watts)
    than the signals from 5G phone signals, or 150 times stronger than 4G phones

    11. “International Appeal: Stop 5G on Earth and in Space” Titled “An Emergency Appeal to the World’s
    Governments by Scientists, Doctors, Environmental Organizations, and Others” Over 200,000
    signatories from 203 nations and territories “The planned density of radio frequency transmitters is
    impossible to envisage. In addition to millions of new 5G base stations on Earth and 20,000 new
    satellites in space, 200 billion transmitting objects, according to estimates, will be part of the Internet of
    Things by 2020, and one trillion objects a few years later.” With base installations installed every 500
    meters, with phones emitting ten times the radiation of 4G phones, up to 5 million watts, with 20,000
    satellites emitting, which potentially poses a greater threat to life than the radiation from ground-based
    antennas,” “likely to alter the electromagnetic environment beyond our ability to adapt.” “World
    governments are playing dice with life on Earth.” https://www.5gspaceappeal.org

    12. “China, 5G, and The Wuhan Coronavirus: The Emperor’s New Virus” Researcher and writer Paul
    Doyon examines thoroughly the potential link between Wuhan, China and other areas 5G deployment
    and the presence and severity of COVID-19 concluding: “the problem may very well in fact be with the
    5G electromagnetic radiation weakening people’s immune systems, not to mention possibly making the
    virus more virulent." It also includes a video from the former head of Microsoft Canada warning of the
    lack of testing and potential harm of 5G. (https://www.electricsense.com/5g-coronavirus/)

    13. “Death of the Liberal Class” Former New York Times’ foreign correspondent and Pulitzer Prize
    winner Chris Hedges traces the rises and declines of the liberal class over the past century– which, when
    working properly, functions a check on the uncontrolled power of government and corporations. What
    happens when journalists, the arts, universities, and writers no longer do their job of protecting the
    interest of the working and middle class? When they choose comfortable positions that depend on their
    inability to see (or speak about) the destruction of cities, war zones, and livelihoods in terms of those
    who cause it? Hedges is pessimistic about the current state, and this is prior to the rollout of 5G and
    artificial intelligence.

    14. “The Age of Surveillance Capitalism: The Fight for A Human Future at the New Frontier of Power”
    Harvard Law and Business’ Shoshana Zuboff traces the rise of surveillance capitalism in a book lauded by
    numerous media powers and leaders (including President Obama), if acted on by few of them. She
    traces the history, including an early version that allowed users to own and manage their data, and
    other options that stand in stark contrast to the state or corporate managed infrastructure of secret
    surveillance, engines, and experimentation of today. Each paragraph is a revelation. She speaks of what
    is happening as a “coup from above” and leading, if not checked, to “a seventh extinction” (of our

    15. “An Electronic Silent Spring: Facing the Dangers and Creating Safe Limits” Electrosensitive medical
    journalist Katie Singer reviews the impact of radiofrequency on wildlife health, the effects of other
    electromagnetic radiation (magnetic, radiofrequency) on humans, the health impact of smart meters,
    numerous other dangers of wireless devices, and proposes rules and regulations to protect human
    health including next steps for legislators, regulators, utility and telecom companies, manufacturers,
    healthcare providers, schools and libraries, and citizen groups.

    16. “Griftopia” Renowned financial journalist Matt Taibbi tells the “story of bankers, politicians and the
    most audacious power grab in history” (until the current one, which builds on the financial instruments,
    similar secrecy and deception, organizational immunity for crimes, wealth transfer, etc. of what is
    documented.) It includes a description of Alan Greenspan’s foolish decisions to prop up the stock market
    and encourage risk, an explanation of the mortgage scam, how the commodities bubble worked, the
    outsourcing of our infrastructure to sovereign wealth funds and others, and the century long, repetitive
    greed of Goldman Sachs, and its costs to our economy.

    17. “Winners Take All: The Elite Charade of Changing the World” Former insider Anand Giriharidas
    describes why, while there is an increasingly powerful, connected, wealthy group of people who claim to
    really want to change the world, not much changes for the better. In the MarketWorld circuit and Ted
    Talks, where people agree with each other and discuss poverty (not inequality), metrics (not shifts in
    power), and develop win:win solutions (for those in the room.) Darren Walker (Ford Foundation
    president, “Towards a New Gospel of Wealth”) discusses his frustration (including the fact he is told not
    to use “social justice,”). Peter Buffett’s says in a New York Times’ article about how he is constantly in
    rooms where people who caused problems are now working to fix them. This is politics which pretends
    it is the opposite.

    18, “Listen Liberal: Whatever Happened to the Party of the People?” Tom Frank (“What’s the Matter
    with Kansas?” describes how the Democrats have become a party with a record (Obama, Clinton) that
    would make a Republican proud, except that Republicans, ironically, might not be able get done what
    Democrats did. The liberals abandoned the middle and working class, and labor, for “innovation”
    “creative” “entrepreneurial” “start ups” in which a new cadre of the highly educated would develop all
    the solutions to fix the world (or those deserving solutions, because of their education.) No need for
    organizing, government regulation, worker rights: the technology and banking leaders were in charge

    19. “Because We Said So.” Famed journalist and critic of United States’ policies Noam Chomsky wrote
    numerous editorials that are collected in this volume. From Libya to Gaza “The World’s Largest Open Air
    Prison” to Edward Snowden to Guatemala to America’s duplicitous “red lines,” he demonstrates the toll
    on human life and human rights of America’s policies.

    20. “Earthing: The Most Important Health Discovery Ever.” Pioneer Clinton Ober, cardiologist Stephen
    Sinatra, and Martin Zucker explore how earthing transforms health. Former cable installer Clint Ober
    discovered earthing -- connecting to the ground or a ground outlet – had a major impact in improving
    health and decreasing pain, and created numerous products to help others, and worked with many to
    raise the profile of this cure. This book includes numerous stories of how people have experienced
    major improvements in health they would not have thought possible from heart, autoimmune, pain,
    diabetes, and numerous other diseases. It also describes how our electrical body and earthing work.

    21. “Seventeen Contradictions and the End of Capitalism,” David Harvey looks the contradictions within
    capitalism which precipitated crises and have within them the seeds of systemic catastrophe. The
    emphasis on endless compound growth, the requirement to fully exploit nature, and the trend to
    universal alienation he describes as “fatal.” Why has capitalism worked? Because of its expansion to
    nations and people outside of it and the growth of debt. He believes in the medium term it will not be
    possible to expand it much more.

    22. “Confessions of an Economic Hit Man” Former economic hit man John Perkins developed economic
    forecasts for loans to developing countries. He was told his role was to make them unrealistically
    optimistic, so large and based on such optimistic economic growth models, that nations would be likely
    to be unable to repay them, at which point they could be pressured for concessions to Western
    countries. He also speaks of the role of the West in removing democratically elected leaders, or
    pressuring them to agree to the whatever Western nations or corporations wanted from them.

    23. “Virtual Society: The Metaverse and the New Frontier of Human Experience” Herman Nerula’s
    book with the top quote from Adam Grant, co-author of longtime former Chief Operating Officer Sheryl
    Sandberg’s “Lean In” -- largely disavowed since her husband’s death from a heart attack because she has
    discovered life as a single mother is hard -- is on the metaverse. It presents as inevitable a time when
    “virtual worlds are equally or more immersive and fulfilling than the real world and society will fragment
    in language, context, time, and reality,” he says of the Matrix-like worlds in which people -- or brain�machine interfaces -- live in pods is a world that might support trillions. They were wrong in the Matrix
    because they were forced there because of hostile robots; in this scenario, it’s just fine.
    For those with homes stolen from them; brains and bodies damaged by radiation; energy and road
    speculated and sold for now unaffordable commutes and electricity; expensive 3-D cardboard-tasting,
    chemically-laden food; homes polluted with technology, mold and pests; moment-to-moment realities
    of ubiquitous surveillance and harassment; this (far more intense than now) real/virtual world meld is
    acceptable. And although he cites dreamy, accelerated turtle lives [accelerated for action to presumably
    try to increase oxygen intake, since radiation affects its utilization), his most memorable example is a
    home break in. No doubt the metaverse 2.0 we live in today will accelerate with our unconscious
    monitoring and unprecedented manipulation