• Israeli-Palestinian Timeline Showing Israeli Aggression and Disproportionate Killing

    The following events demonstrate the Israeli attitude towards the Palestinians, and their value on
    human life. The Israeli perspective has dominated American news, so this is not an attempt to reiterate those points. This is also not condemnation of Israel or Jewish individuals except to the extent they participate in or are complicit in human rights abuses.

    1948: Hundreds of thousands of Palestinians left their homes in fear, or were expelled to Gaza. Even
    after the ceasefire, the Israeli forces moved Palestinians over the border.

    1967: Israel conquered Gaza. The Israeli government aimed to drive the refugees into the Sinai
    Peninsula, in addition to the rest of the population, if feasible.

    They expelled Palestinians from Gaza and the West Bank, preventing their return in violation of the
    United Nations Security Council orders.

    (Later Prime Minister) Golda Meir tells Labor Party colleagues that they should “keep the Gaza Strip
    ‘while getting rid of its Arabs.” Defense Minister Moshe Dayan and others agree.

    Prime Minister Levi Eshkol said that they can not allow those expelled to return because, ”we can not
    increase the Arab population in Israel” (including here the occupied territories in the nation of Israel.)
    Israel changed its maps, getting rid of the internationally recognized borders of the Green Line.

    1995: (Former Prime Minister) Shimon Peres said there will be no Palestinian state.

    January 2006: Displeased with the Palestinian vote giving Parliamentary control to Hamas, the US and
    Israel prepared a military coup despite Hamas’ offer of a truce. The US, Israel and Europe impose

    2006: Israeli attacks kills 660 Palestinians (most civilians, 1/3 minors).

    April 2006 to July 2012: 2879 Palestinians are killed by weapons, versus several dozen Israelis.

    2007: Hamas got full control over Gaza.

    2008: Israel broke a truce honored by Hamas, and ignored more offers for truces.

    December 2008: Israel launched Operation Cast Lead. It is described as “infanticide” by Norwegian
    physicians working in Gaza, after hundreds of children were killed.

    2009: The United Nations Human Rights Council created a fact-finding mission to identify violations of
    humanitarian and human rights law. South African justice Richard Goldstone, who is Jewish, was in
    charge of it; the report cites his name.

    December 27,2008 to January 18, 2009: It found a 22-day air and ground assault in Gaza used
    disproportionate military force against Hamas’ militants, while failing to take adequate precautions to
    protect the civilian population against the military assault: 1434 people are killed, 960 are civilians
    (Palestinian Center for Human Rights), 6000 homes are damaged or destroyed, with $3 billion
    destruction in a poverty-stricken area. Hamas rockets killed no people. It indicted the occupation, the
    wall, the blockade, border closures, security barrier in the West Bank and referenced right to return,
    criticizing destruction that was intentionally harming the Palestinian economy. (Goldstone report)

    Israel was furious, deported human rights workers, and refused work visas to 150 non-governmental

    1987-2012 (date of the article): In 1967, the United States vetoed a resolution from major Arab States.
    The United States and Israel rejected Hamas’ call for a long-term truce, and political settlement for a
    two-state solution in accordance with the international consensus.
    Israel blocked entry to almost half of Gazan land that is farmable (Harvard’s Sara Roy.)

    January 2012 to November 14, 2012 Operation Pillar of Defense: 1 Israeli dies by fire, 78 Palestinian


    2012: The United Nations reported 40 percent of essential drugs, and more than half of essential
    medical items were not available in Gaza.

    November 2012: Six Israels, 160 Palestinians died, including many children and three journalists
    (defended by Israel as “relevant to terror activity” (!))

    April 2014: Fatah and Hamas created a unity agreement, with technocrats not in either party governing.
    The Obama administration made clear its approval. However, it invalidated Israels’ claim that it could
    not negotiate with a divided Palestine, and undermined Israel’s goal to divide Gaza and the West Bank.

    June 12, 2014: Three Israeli boys were murdered in the West Bank (a month after two Palestinian boys
    are murdered in the West Bank). The government pretended not to know who did it. It went on an 18-
    day rampage, with dozens of attacks in Gaza, and the killing of five Hamas members.

    June 12 - July 31, 2014: 1400 Palestinians were killed, mostly civilians, including hundreds of women and
    children, with three Israeli civilians dying. Much of Gaza is in rubble, including four hospitals attacked in
    what are war crimes.