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Education for Children and Adolescents on This World and How to Understand and Navigate It
The following is information that could be provided in a health course, or one to help with life skills.- Unprecedented Times
• Throughout history there has always been a battle between good and evil, right and wrong, and
injustice and justice
• All you value about your life is because of the courageous efforts of many for righteous causes.
• Today we have unprecedented challenges to our very humanity.
• You have many people in your life who love you, and will help you navigate this world.- What are we humans?
• Human beings have minds far beyond any animal
• Our minds: Our highly evolved brain includes a prefrontal cortex for executive functioning (running
our lives), the mature contemplation of our world, and deciding what to do. The running of our lives,
should be done without interference or suggestion, other than we seek it. (free will, self
• Our bodies: Our highly complex bodies have well developed small and large motor skills, nervous
systems, hearts, and other parts, many beyond those of other animals.
• There is extensive evidence that both our mind and body function electrically. The lack of
awareness in mainstream medicine reflects industry interests, instead of the scientific studies,
compensation for harms (including targeted diplomats), Nobel Prize winning science, etc. Even
medicine does research into how to use electricity and uses it.
• The growth of electromagnetic radiation, its effect on our bodies, and its use through artificial
intelligence to pressure and control us, poses an unprecedented threat to our humanity globally.
• Surveillance and behavioral modification of unprecedented size and scope is currently underway.
- Health crisis in children
- Addiction, an international study found majority of kids unable to last the day without their cell
phone, 10 percent of South Korean kids were treated earlier for addiction. - Potential high levels of electromagnetic hypersensitivity (more later)
- Likely harms – brain effects, sleep problems, drug and alcohol abuse.
- High levels of chronic inflammation linked to bacteria, viruses, and parasites. This can also
impact development of electromagnetic hypersensitivity (or vice versa), other serious diseases
(cancer, heart disease, diabetes on the rise), or extreme or sudden illness or death. - Brain and other damage.
- However no harm or condition makes the violation of your rights acceptable.
- Do we complex and glorious beings have any rights?
First, longstanding moral codes have shaped human and societal behavior. What is being built also
violates universal cultural norms. Additionally, legally:
The United States Constitution states:
- “No person [shall be deprived of life, liberty, or property without due process of law
(Amendments V, XIV) – The use of smart devices, infrastructure can endanger our health and
lives, curtail our liberty including freedom of thought and action, and manipulate or destroy our
property. - Congress shall pass no law abridging the freedom of speech or the press (Amendment I) “The
First Amendment, the [Senate subcommittee investigating the Central Intelligence Agency’s MK
Ultra program] argued, ‘must equally protect the individual’s rights to generate ideas, and the
right to privacy should protect citizens from intrusion into their thoughts, behavior, personality
and identity lest these concepts ‘become meaningless.” - Cruel and unusual punishment is banned (Amendment VIII) – Secret programs for crime
prevention and secret courts make it unclear if we have been deemed a threat to our nation.
Even for such unfairly targeted individuals, much punishment via algorithms is illegal. - “The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against
unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but
upon probably cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place
to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.” (Amendment IV) – This should be
interpreted to include our thoughts and metadata, and to guarantee our privacy. - Nurembourg Code (developed after the abuses of the Holocaust)
What is practiced violates the Nurembourg Code, a set of research ethics for human experimentation,
including: the voluntary consent of the subject, their free power of choice, their knowledge of the
nature, duration and purpose of the experiment along with potential hazards; and an ability to end it
should it bring them harm. The individual [in charge], who is scientifically qualified needs to evaluate the
quality of the consent.
1948 United Nations Genocide Convention (and subsequent court decisions)Genocide is the “intentional destruction of a people” (Wikipedia). Any of the five “acts committed with
intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national ethnic, racial, or religious group.” The five acts in the
Convention include:- 2) causing them serious bodily or mental harm – The longstanding knowledge of electromagnetic
harms, (see Firstenberg for history), including weakening of the blood brain barrier linked to
neurological and other damage. The enormous payouts for those harmed through such targeting (Cuba)
also speak to this harm. The attempt to coopt a vocabulary of “smart” “chrome” “Intelligence”
“transhumanism” (death to human species) speaks to technology’s knowledge of the harm of their
infrastructure and manipulation. - 3) imposing living conditions intended to destroy the group (later determined to include “lack of
proper housing, clothing, hygiene, and medical care”) (International Criminal Tribunal Rwanda) All may
be affected by radiofrequency and other harmful electromagnetic radiation for which we are denied
public/government information and appropriate remediation (more later and elsewhere). - 5) forcibly transferring children out of the group – The collection of data through Bluetooth diapers and
other monitoring and their manipulation creates an environment in which children, from infancy on, are
manipulated by whatever is defined as “smart” implemented through everchanging “rules” rather than
raised by their parents. Adolescents can be particularly vulnerable given their development stage.
Raphael Lemkin, who invented the term, says genocide does not require the “immediate destruction of
a nation. It is intended rather, to signify, a coordinated plan of different actions aimed at the death of
the essential foundations of the life of the national groups, with the aim of annihilating the groups
themselves [this last part is debatable]. The objectives of such a plan would be the disintegration of
political and social institutions, of culture, language, national feeling, religion, the economic existence
of national groups, and the destruction of the personal security, liberty, health, dignity, and even the
lives of individuals belonging to such groups.” (which should all sound familiar from technology leaders
long skeptical of government regulation, seeking to control language through chat and large language
models, claiming people will disappear into a metaverse that makes national and family life largely
irrelevant (Nerula).)Purpose of this briefing is education about the world of today (vastly different from a few years ago)
• Understand the harm of our current reality and how to fight it
• Infrastructure that exists
• What may be collected on you
• How it is processed
• Science of electromagnetic radiation – short term effects and longer term
• How artificial intelligence may reach them (brands, visuals on products, actions/gestures/words of
• What your rights are
• How to communicate these rights to organizations violating them or others
• How to find spaces that are safe and healthy from an infrastructure and artificial intelligence
• How to communicate to adults about the violation of their rights and the impact on them
• Political organizing
Infrastructure that exists or is planned
The following types of electromagnetic radiation have existed.
Radiofrequency Smart meters, phones, cell towers, Wifi, microwaves,
5G, Bluetooth bounces around 24/7, and can be mitigated some with distance, shielding, this is a much greater
challenge with unlabeled and one trillion things and 5G which may be uniquely harmful and is addition to all other types of electromagnetic radiation in our environments.
Magnetic fields Chargers for electronics, high voltage power lines, houses with faulty
wiring, current on water/gas pipes is tied to childhood leukemia; it creates a static field that drops with
distance. It is difficult to shield.- Electric fields In household wiring, power strips,
ungrounded devices, reduces melatonin, sleep and mood, and is linked to allergies, headaches, and other disease; it electrifies your body without you noticing it. Turning off circuits, creating distance to ungrounded devices,
electronics, cords and chargers, lamps and lighting, can help.
Dirty electricity In or created by compact fluorescent light or fluorescent light bulbs, charger for electronics, solar
power inverters, dimmer switches, smart televisions. Linked to cancer, heart disease, diabetes, high blood sugar, ADHD. It pollutes electricity , creating harmful “noise.” Filters reduce dirty electricity (change harmonics) for
relief for many people. - Noise Data coolers, HAARP, devices on the grid, now used strategically to block thoughts and
speech and for pain and to coerce or "influence" action. Can cause discomfort to suicide from stress. Introducing
pleasant sounds or noise over it can help. - Their Harm Has Been Known
More than 10,000 peer-reviewed studies demonstrate harm to health from radiofrequency radiation.
- Alteration of heart rhythm
- Impaired sperm function and mobility
- Altered metabolism
- Increased free radicals
- Altered gene expression
- Learning and memory deficits
- Altered stem cell development
- Impacts on general well-being
- Cancers
- Miscarriage
- Cardiovascular disease
- Neurological damage
- Cognitive impairment
- Obesity and diabetes
- DNA damage
- Oxidative stress
(5gappeal) - Examples: The Brain Blood barrier and Krebs cycle:
- Allen Frey, in work funded by the Office of Naval Research and the United States Army, he discovered
“the blood-brain barrier effect.” At radiation levels lower than that of cell phones today, the protective
shield of the brain was damaged, letting in bacteria, viruses, and toxic chemicals. - Dr. Martin Pall demonstrated the link of excess calcium flowing into your cells and autism at the Autism
One Conference, and says, “The autism epidemic is probably caused by [electromagnetic field]
exposure.” Over two decades, he has published tens of papers on these channels, with Global Medical
Discovery recognized Pall’s 2013 publication on voltage-gated calcium channels as one of the best that
year. Voltage-gated calcium channels -- that let calcium enter and leave cells -- use very low levels of
electricity to work. All types of electromagnetic fields (radiofrequency, magnetic, electric) can keep
one’s cells’ channels open for hours which gives them extra calcium. - Krebs Cycle
- Nobel Prize Winner Albert Szent-Gyorgyi discovered the steps for cellular respiration, known as
the Krebs cycle, speaking of the “enzymes of oxidation” (the cytochromes in our cells) and
proposing organisms are alive because thousands of molecules form single systems with shared
energy levels, such as physicists were describing in crystals. - In cells’ mitochondria amino acids, fatty acids, and glucose are transformed through the Krebs
cycle, combining with oxygen to produce carbon dioxide, water, and energy. - The electron transport chain receives electrons from Krebs cycle and delivers them one at a time
to molecules of oxygen, which must receive them in a way it can effectively process them. - The threat to industry, economics, and modern culture was too great, with electricity and radar
ubiquity and expansion (at the time of Szent-Gyorgyi, and beyond). So biochemists thought of
proteins, lipid, and DNA as little marbles drifting in a watery solution and colliding with one
another at random, even in the nervous system. - “If the speed of the electrons is modified through external electromagnetic fields, or
functioning electron transport chain is altered, the combustion of food is impaired …
Proteins, fats, and carbohydrates compete with each other and back up in the bloodstream
with fat deposited in arteries, glucose excreted in urine and brain; heart, muscles and
organs becoming oxygen deprived.” – Arthur Firstenberg
What is New: Dangerous 5G Infrastructure for ”smart”/”internet of things”/artificial intelligence
(Let’s Build on the Dangers and Damage, Says Industry) (from the5gappeal)- 5G Infrastructure
How it Works - 20,000 new satellites in space from at least five companies (adding to only about 1000
operational) Low- to medium-Earth orbit blanket the Earth with powerful, focused steerable beams - Millimeter waves effective radiated power of up to five million watts
from thousands of antennae in phased array - 5G satellites will further disturb resonances and biological rhythms of life.
- Biological rhythms controlled by Earth’s natural electromagnetic environment, including the electric
properties of the atmosphere, including Schumann resonances, will likely be affected. - Irradiate areas of Earth not covered other transmitters
Located in the Earth’s magnetosphere, which influences Earth’s electrical activity
- Ionosphere disturbances have an effect on blood pressure, melatonin, and can cause cancer,
reproductive, cardiac, neurological diseases and death. - Power line harmonic radiation has already altered the ionosphere of Earth.
- “The placement of tens of thousands of satellites directly both in the ionosphere and magnetosphere
emitting modulated signals at millions of watts and millions of frequencies, is likely to alter our
electromagnetic environment beyond our ability to adapt.”
Millions of 5G base stations on Earth- “Phased arrays” for steerable, laser-like beams
- Each base stations hundreds or thousands of antennae aiming at cell phones or user devices
- Beams of 30,000 watts per 100 Megahertz of spectrum, 10 to 100’s of times more than
previously used - Acceptance of 5G radiation based faulty assumptions of power and type of 5G radiation.
- Tens of times more radiation is being accepted based on faulty modelling of shell filled with a homogenous
liquid. - Assuming millimeter waves do not penetrate beyond the skin completely ignores nerves, blood vessels, and
other electrically conducting structures that can carry radiation-induced currents deep in the body. - Phased arrays are not ordinary antenna: the moving charges can become antennae that reradiate the
electromagnetic field and send it deeper in the body (waves called Brullouin precursors, if the power or
phase changes rapidly enough, likely both with 5G). - Shallow penetration results in thermal skin burns in humans from 5G. Millimeter waves are absorbed
cornea and ordinary clothing (millimeter size thickness) increases the absorption by a resonance type effect;
known effects have been documented on skin, eyes, heart rate, immune system and DNA by exposure to
millimeter waves.
1 trillion Internet of Things devices
- “Smart” homes, businesses, highways, cities, self-driving cars; refrigerators, milk cartons,
hairbrushes, etc. - 5G phones with dozens of tiny antenna focused on the nearest
cell tower - Federal Communications Commission rules allow 20-watt beams, 10x earlier
- What is this for: What may be collected on you
- Goal is to collect and know everything about you on a real-time basis
- Includes all health indicators, to your moods, to your thoughts, to your contacts, to your sexual
activity, etc. - Collected through 5G devices numbering 150 per person on planet Earth (clothing, appliances,
phones, computers, milk cartons, etc.) - This is fully unprecedented. Western nations went to war to fight dictatorial regimes with large
spying apparatus. - How it is processed
- Through real-time, increasingly invasive dossiers (essentially) exist with extensive information
about you, including your reactions to sensory overload, shock, and other mechanisms of torture,
the names of those who have behaved abusively towards you, etc., with information maintained by
the largest technology companies in the world - Information collected is provided through “partnerships” – a medley of chattering devices and
organizations partnered in some way with big tech. - What is known about you at the current time + what can be influenced (brands, conversations,
sounds, sights) = what they try to make your new reality (what you see, think, hear, experience,
say, do, with whom, and where) - This includes people you know or must deal with (banks, grocery, etc.), codes, prices, and/or
numbers, and anything you encounter on a process to maintain your life (bank, governments,
groceries, products, etc.) You will likely be able to see yourself labeled throughout the day. - Your reaction is constantly measured through health indicators, conversations, what you look at,
etc. and put in a “voodoo doll” which attempts to model your susceptibility to various forms of
interference (e.g., Spotify has filed a patent to analyze over 100 items about your voice.) - Such experimentation has been condemned with rules or recommendations through the famous
Senate investigation into the United States’ intelligence’s MKUltra program, the Nurembourg Code
(developed in reaction to the Holocaust), the Helsinki Declaration, and others. - Goals for 5G/smart/internet of things
- Change your behavior by changing your reality
- Tuning, herding, and conditioning for societal or individual outcome (Who knows? Who decides?
Who decides who decides? Questions Harvard’s Zuboff asks for which we still have no answers.) - Outcomes could be non-consensual goals using non-consensual methods: “cure cancer” “prevent
cancer” (which would justify extensive efforts to tell you to eat less or tell you you are fat), “prevent
crime” (??), for social harmony (get back together with someone who behaved abusively who will
then be used by surveillance capitalism), etc. - Devices: “We can engineer the context around a particular behavior and force change that way.
Context-aware data allow us to tie together your emotions, your cognitive functions, your vital signs,
etcetra. We can know if you shouldn’t be driving, and we can just shut your car down. We can tell
the fridge, ‘Hey lock up because he shouldn’t be eating,’ or we tell the TV to shut of and make you
get some sleep, or the chair to start shaking because you shouldn’t be sitting so long, or the faucet
to turn on because you need to drink more water.” (software engineer, Zuboff) - How AI may reach you: some examples
- Shopping: brands, instructions, design of packaging, any numbers on it (dates, tracking, etc.),
suggestions, (perhaps newly) available items, or items no longer available. - Customer service (airlines, banking, hotel, government): abbreviations, words intentionally
dispersed through the economy and society, amounts and numbers. - Conversations: (chat) words with references to roles in your life or particular people (may be
obscure), abbreviations, slang, sexual references (may be obscure), activities, double entendres. - Gestures: Touching or scratching parts of bodies, sitting or standing poses.
- Actions: Any action, items dropped or moved?
- Sounds: when you are doing certain things or thinking about certain things.
- Actions of devices above.
- Electric shock.
- Where (goal is everywhere to tune, herd, or condition your behavior – achieve hidden outcomes)
- Your home – any numbers, sounds from appliances or within the floor or walls.
- Your workplace.
- Your computer, phone or appliance.
- Animals – activity, appearance, noise.
- Outside – what and who you see, hear, or experience.
- Your places of business (bank, grocery, pharmacy, etc.)
Topics Included- People (perhaps potentially to get in contact with or copy): people who have abused or hurt
you, contacts from any phase of your life, those vulnerable to using artificial intelligence - Sexuality – sexual positions, activity, names, and other information associated with (what
should be your private) sexual life, extensive use is made here perhaps because it drives the
sought after “emotional reaction” to see inappropriate information on social media, in stores,
on products, etc. that should be free of it. (Count references in your home!) - Health – functioning of your stomach, liver, tics or other parasites potentially the consequence
of electromagnetic exposure (see “They Knew” section and tech company, product and function
names) - Body and body image.
- Activities to do – groom, exercise.
- Dress – what to wear.
- Positive or negative feedback (letters or evaluations associated with good or bad behavior).
Is Artificial Intelligence Dangerous (1)?- The artificial intelligence machine works to brand this: it is “information,” “true,” requires “trust,” a
“hint,” a “cue,” a “suggestion,” "joke or funny," etc. – it is clearly illegal, is it healthy? - From Zuboff: “The boundaries of our bodies are important. “In Psychological Functions of Privacy,”
Darhl Pederson defines privacy as a “boundary control process” that invokes the decision rights
associated with “restricting and seeking interaction.” Pederson’s research identifies six categories or
privacy behaviors: solitude, isolation, anonymity, reserve, intimacy with friends, and intimacy with
family. His study shows that these varied behaviors accomplish a rich array of complex psychological
‘privacy functions’ considered salient for psychological health and development success:
contemplation, autonomy, rejuvenation, confiding, freedom, creativity, recovery, catharsis and
concealment. These are experiences without which we can neither flourish nor usefully contribute
to our families. communities, and society.” - In contrast, Professor Joseph Paradiso of the MIT Media Lab says information will stream “directly in our
eyes and ears: and “the boundaries of the individual will be very blurry” (Zuboff)consistent with
brain:machine interfaces, virtual reality, and new metaverse. - Is Artificial Intelligence Dangerous or Illegal (2)?
- Guidelines or rules for experimentation were developed in the Nurembourg Code are violated
throughout the lifecycle of experiment design, avoidance of injury (which can be psychological), terms
for provision of consent, and the ability to stop the experiment (see relevant Appendix). - The Senate investigated the MK Ultra program tasked with “research and development of chemical,
biological and radiological material capable for employment in clandestine operations to control human
behavior” mostly done in environments with near total control, e.g., prisoners, schools for the autistic.
It was roundly and bipartisanly condemned. - The Senate report said the founding fathers understood self-determination to be the “source of
individuality, and individuality … the mainstay of freedom” rejecting changing personality and
manner of thinking through behavioral control. “[T]he most serious threat … is the power of this
technology [which] gives one man to impose his views and values on another.” ... - “Concepts of freedom, privacy and self-determination inherently conflict with programs designed to
control not just physical freedom, but the source of free thought as well … As disturbing as behavior
modification may be on a theoretical level, the unchecked growth of the practical technology of
behavior control is cause for even greater concern.” They severely condemned “electrophysiology …
devices worn to constantly monitor and control behavior (by computer) to ‘prevent a suspected
behavior from occurring.’”
Electromagnetic hypersensitivity (see Sources also)
Symptoms - Sensitivity to electromagnetic radiation has been long understood to be an illness (particularly in other
Proven symptoms in descending order (left to right, top to bottom) from National Integrated Health Associate information, many other criteria and medical information exist also, some of which are described in "Sources". (Note: this document does not provide medical advice or diagnosis.)
Give yourself 1 point for each mild symptom, 2 for moderate, 3 for severe.
Fatigue Sleep disturbance Headaches Feeling of discomfort
Difficulty concentrating Depression Memory loss Visual disturbance
Irritability Hearing disruptions Skin problems Cardiovascular disturbances
Dizziness Loss of appetite Movement disorder Nausea
According to National Integrated Health Associate sheet, recommendations available through their
literature and through other sources in the Bibliography.Severe ESS (over 20)
- You know your reaction to electrical and radio frequencies; you probably can not be comfortable in most rooms.
- Estimated 3 percent of the population earlier, with 10 percent predicted for 2017. Need to remediate environments.
Mild to moderate ESS (6 to 20)- - You have one or more symptoms below, and/or other health issues that are not resolving.
- Estimated 30 percent earlier with 50 percent by 2017, need to remediate environments.
Not ESS at this time (under 5)- Remediate for prevention.
- Signs: Reaction to energy efficient light bulbs, florescent lights, computers; health programs not working
as well as you want; and autoimmune problems. Chronic mental or neurological problems, chronic pain,
chronic Lyme/mold/co-infection, cancer or other chronic degenerative disease are also indicators.
While a fuller list of individuals is provided in the relevant appendix, it is worth noting that Dr. Gro
Harlem Brundtland, M.D., Masters in Public Health. served as the Director General of the World Health
Organization from 1998 to 2003, after serving two terms as the prime minister of Norway. She did not
allow cell phones in her office, getting headaches when they were within four meters. Her term was not
renewed after she gave an interview on her sensitivity.
How to Manage- Medical guidelines exist to diagnose and manage the condition (see Austrian Medical
Guidelines). - Avoidance is the only reliable form of management to improve symptoms.
- The most reliable way to diagnose electromagnetic hypersensitivity is via history but other tests
are being used also. - Many things help including good vibrations (music, etc.) anti-inflammatory measures (often
exercise, yoga, food, etc.) - Distance from devices helps.
Other Relevant Rights (evolving)- The government, industry, and technology has long sought to downplay any conflict between
their harmful technology and the resulting disability, or harms from artificial intelligence. - The American with Disabilities Act requires reasonable accommodation for electromagnetic
hypersensitivity: this can mean work without computers or devices, environments with lower
levels of the different types of electromagnetic radiation, etc. - Extensive limits and guidelines for artificial intelligence/experimentation speak to rights and
harms; you may be able to modify your environment. - Bans on punishment and torture exist at multiple levels
- Numerous laws support reparations and compensation for harms
How to Communicate These Rights- You can communicate to parents and authority figures physical or emotional discomfort.
- Communicate to trusted adults about the violation of your rights and the impact on you.
- Triggering and psychological harm (common as the system is aimed for quick results through
highly emotional reactions) can be documented. - Social media is an outlet to document harmful practices.
- Nonprofits and other organizations are there to help protect your civil, environmental, and
human rights.
How to find spaces that are safe and healthy from an infrastructure and artificial intelligence
perspective- Purchase meters and test or hire a Building Biologist (see Nicholas Pinealt in “Bibliography”) to
make your environment safer and healthier. - Request no use of chat or artificial intelligence in all interactions and live by a similar creed.
- Withdraw from spaces in which your privacy is violated or manipulation of you is attempted,
including schools - Use disability and other rights.
- Inform others of harms.
- Define behavior as reckless and part of a coordinated campaign.
Organizing for Change and Accountability- The5gappeal
Education for your peer group. - Demand answers from your political representatives.
- Demand accountability from all.
- Make voting against artificial intelligence abuse your top priority.
- Ask about smart/sensor capability for all you buy and do not buy anything with capability to
generate or use electromagnetic radiation.
Use a text section to describe your values, show more info, summarize a topic, or tell a story. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore.
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