•  Rise in People Power Reversed With Electromagnetic Rollouts (And Other Steps): A Recurring American Story

    Several major rollouts of electromagnetic energy (radio, satellite, 5G) correspond to a significant
    shift in power from the people.
    This happened during a global or national rise in movements for the people.
    Questions: Do corresponding pandemics or long-term health consequences play a role?
    Are they planned to increase surveillance, and/or are they timed to suppress or control these
    What are long term effects of such electromagnetic exposure, and could this affect the power of


    Below is a summary, followed by greater detail.


    The First World War:

    • Before Rollout: Era of people power, Socialist power: numerous papers, presidential
      candidate, and positions of power nationally; Independent journalism takes on robber baronsand government
      corruption; Antitrust
    • 1918: radio rollout starts to support military war effort; “Spanish influenza” which appears to
      first spread where radio was deployed (including ships) kills more than 12x the American war effort (600,000)
      It lasts three years, strikes more than 1/3 of the world’s population (half a billion) by some estimates, kills tens of
      millions (Firstenberg)
    • Roaring 1920’s, George Creels’ Committee for Public Information to comprehensively culturally promote war effort transforms public relations; Journalists and activists against the war weakened.

    The 1960's:

    • 1960’s: Civil rights, “New Left,” feminist, anti-war, black power movements.
    • 1968: 28-military satellite rollout (Initial Defense Communication Satellite Program) goes live on June 13; “Hong Kong” flu pandemic from July 1968 – March 1970.
    • 1970’s “Me Generation”; Assassinations of political and black movement leaders in the late 1960’s and FBI Cointelpro covert action;1970’s bring move to finding oneself/psychoanalysis, disco, materialism, alternative living
      arrangements which represent a shift from political activism demanding change from those in power.


    • 2010’s: Anti-austerity protests, dictators toppled; global strengthening of labor movements, #metoo global
      movement, demand for police accountability, growing climate movement
    • 2019-2023 5G/Internet of Things/Artificial intelligence/Satellite/Antennae/Phone rollout - ”Smart” crime prevention, health and other AI rollouts to alter communications and relationships;COVID and other global pandemics worst of 100 years;
    • 2020 Social media/artificial intelligence/Influencer new locus for activity; Device time and addiction continues to grow; Control/algorithms increasingly used in social media “Influencer” and “entrepreneur” culture; Little discussed ubiquitous and physically and psychologically harassing spying and coercion infrastructure implemented to
      potentially affect all experiences andconstrain action

    It is worth noting that there is often a reversal of policies and momentum of movements for people
    power, following large-scale electromagnetic deployments. This is not to say the goal of these rollouts is
    to harm humanity. Even now we see justification in terms of preventing crime, improving health, curing
    cancer, etc., undoubtedly believed by many leaders. Yet we should examine the past to see what we can

    We should also remember often the worst crimes are committed in the name of love, not hate. Policies
    or actions requiring more money, and of greater visibility, often need approval from more of the
    population. Therefore, they are often justified in positive terms, e.g., civilizing people, the white man’s
    “burden,” ending climate change, even addressing the (never achieved) goals for sustainability and
    development (and if they would be, at what price to humanity?).

    Nonetheless, the following rollouts, about every 40 to 50 years, can and should be evaluated in terms of
    what was known then, and what the consequences were. This section provides additional detail.

    1918 The Political Environment -- Prior to this, journalism was exposing ruthless business practices and
    government corruption leading to antitrust action -- including the recent breakup of Rockefeller’s
    Standard Oil -- and to government reform. Eugene Debs won a million votes running on the Socialist
    party for president. Socialists almost won the American Federation of Labor presidency, and the United
    Mine Workers were mostly socialist. Socialists published about 50 weekly papers, some in other

    Rollout and the Roaring 1920’s -- In 1918, radio was deployed worldwide for military use. One
    of the largest illnesses was at Massachusetts Naval Laboratory, and it seemed to spread on ships with
    radio. The term “Spanish Influenza” was used, because of European and American censorship.
    Ultimately, the pandemic would claim more than 12 times the number of lives as the war effort. George
    Creel’s war effort included journalists, entertainers, and novelists; and numerous cultural venues and
    media publications. It weakened the social movement and activists that were often anti-war, and it
    permeated news and culture. The press and public relations were permanently transformed. The
    Espionage Act was passed also, which allowed punishment of speech critical of the government. The
    1920’s were a return to fashion and materialism.

    1960’s – The 1960’s were potentially a time of unrivaled social action for civil rights, feminism and an
    end to the war. The Nation of Islam, Malcolm X, Martin Luther King Jr., and Muhammad Ali worked for
    black rights. Some efforts became more global, and global movements took energy from United States’
    activism. The extraordinarily popular and populist Robert Kennedy ran as the Democratic candidate for
    the United States’ presidency. The Vietnam War – later found to be mostly motivated by ego – was
    ardently protested.

    Rollout and the “Me Generation” - In 1968, the launch of the first group of military satellites
    increased the 13 operational satellites to 41. On June 13, 28 went live. The “Hong Kong” flu pandemic
    lasted from July 1968 til March 1970. During the late 1960’s, the FBI Cointelpro operation worked to
    dismantle black movements, Robert Kennedy and Martin Luther King, Junior, were assassinated. During
    the 1970’s, these movements in part, became focused on communes and expression which, on the
    whole, did not challenge power. The “Me Generation,” including disco and fashion, represented the
    antithesis of the work for the common good.

    2010’s-2020’s – The global movements – in part through the use of the Internet (see the Facebook
    revolutions) of the 2010’s -- were a time of unusual variety and strength of organizing for political
    change. We saw anti-austerity protests around the world, the toppling of dictators, and many
    movements in America having transformative political impact. Domestically, these included Bernie
    movement (reduced military spending; greater social services; banking regulation; which was youth
    powered, although not limited to the youth); labor movements for living wages; LGBTQIA+ for various
    rights; #Metoo for global accountability for sexual violence; and the environmental movement, for an
    end to climate change. America had its first black president, and gained diversity in political and corporate power, as the
    country continued its shift towards majority-minority. (Worth noting is women, who are the majority,
    still live in a country with men in charge.) Although technology leaders understood the growing harms of
    the all push-no pull, ubiquitous infrastructure that was being (Zuboff), a constant stream of
    dispossession (incursions, habituation, adaptation and redirection) were employed when needed to
    maintain profits and expand the model, without popular consent. Any discussion of what is being
    implemented and its harms was often dismissed as a conspiracy, or simply ignored or censored.

    Rollout and Influencers and Artificial Intelligence -- The rollout in 2019 through 2023 were again
    accompanied by a global pandemic. While there is discussion about whether COVID 19 was taken from a
    lab or taken to a market (or both), it seems likely that many would be sickened at this time, given what
    we know about electromagnetic radiation and rollouts (see 5Gappeal and Firstenberg.) Google censored
    linkages between 5G and COVID early on. Social media censored information and results on non-vaccine
    solutions; attempting make the improbable case that no food, generic or other drug, supplement, etc.
    could help prevent or cure COVID. The executive branch met with Big Tech to control misinformation.

    Now the Supreme Court is allowing more power to remove “misinformation” from social media. Perhaps
    20 percent of Americans experienced “long COVID.” This has been accompanied by a refocusing of
    youth. Once seen as powering numerous progressive movements, they now appear largely addicted
    (Zuboff), with ever more time spent on more devices: a surprising non-issue shortly after the opioid
    addiction claimed hundreds of thousands of lives. (The young are perhaps even worse off than the rest
    of the population, certainly also because it is a time to set the groundwork for peer norms.)


    The gay/transgender movement has moved to increasingly more radical solutions like sex change and
    hormonal modification in teenagers (controversial globally among experts), while embracing those (and
    withholding information from) who may suffer from technological stress or harm, or associated
    diseases. What may be telling is many of the most privileged children in our society believe they are
    victims because of a shifting identity and sexuality, rather than working for human rights, against
    corruption, and to save de-industrialized areas. Their distance from broad political movements and a
    shift of consumption of media and information to influencers represents a radical shift, in just a few
    years. We have yet to societally discuss or understand the type and frequency of exposure of personal information and behavioral modification techniques used on them.


    With respect to past rollouts, we have seen certain unexpected results for the illnesses vis-a-vis what we have been told by the government.

    • Researchers have had difficulty getting healthy people sick through exposure with tests to transfer fluids.
    • Hemorrhages were the most common and rapid route to death relating to a pandemic, occurring in the
      lungs in 1918.
    • There is documentation on the past, for example the 1889 pandemic (following the
      rollout of electricity) of long-term effects not consistent with a respiratory virus, yet consistent with
      radio wave sickness.
    • Long term decreases in pulse rate and hair loss occurred in the 1889 pandemic, and
      victims from the 1918 pandemic were often sick for months at a time (Firstenberg).
    • Additionally, the influenza or coronaviruses during pandemics often affect young adults primarily (this is before phones), for example in 1889. These are consistent with numerous studies regarding electricity.