• Our Declaration of Independence: We Will Be Free of A World of Electromagnetic Harm and Unethical and Banned Experimentation

    We the people of the planet Earth, in order to preserve our humanity, create safe and healthy living
    spaces, maintain social relations consistent with dignity and privacy, and sustain access to life’s
    necessities claim our independence from a new genocidal world order.

    We have reached a point in which the violation of our rights as humans, and the acceleration of the
    planned destruction of our habitat necessitate this declaration.

    The unprecedented and physically harmful digital infrastructure is of unmatched scale and scope. It
    immerses us in chattering devices that constantly and invasively monitor us, communicate about us,
    and create and use models of us to manipulate us through illegal, abusive, inappropriate, and
    torturous means.

    The current 5G/artificial intelligence system relies on creation of a misleading new vocabulary for
    mentally and physically damaged humans. “Smart [buildings and devices versus the now-stupid people
    who are manipulated],” “internet of things [no longer to free and educate people],” “transhumanism [a
    new species of humans, for when human capabilities are destroyed],” and “artificial [no longer human]
    intelligence,” “personalization (versus our deciding what we want), “giant artificial intelligence digital
    minds” (versus our own) all justify the continuation and expansion of a global, supposedly inevitable
    takeover of the planet and its people.

    Capitalism has expanded through the creation of new globalized markets; tremendous growth in debt;
    forced privatization; limited social spending; repeated wealth destroying bubbles; the looting of the
    land; and the theft of pensions, benefits, rights, and control from workers. This next stage of capitalism
    represents an unimaginable intrusion into our liberty, power of self-determination, and freedom of

    This when the technology “leaders” promised us an end to disease, and deliver great wealth and
    economic growth. In turn, they received tremendous power which they used to reorganize the
    economy, creating a vital role for their usurious, deceptive, and punishing schemes. They cemented
    power over charity (poorer people), while mocking the government. Even while planning their escape –
    rats jumping from the sinking ship Earth – they continue to lie to us about what they are building and
    accelerate breaking laws. They dismantle our core values of science and choice.


    We announce our interest in exiting all they have corrupted including relationships, places, products,
    etc., and most of all their machinery.

    In order to maintain our health, dignity, freedom of thought and expression, and safety from harm,
    we announce our intention to absent our self from any organizational effort by the government,
    companies, or individuals that may:

    1) rendition (steal) information about our conversations, bodily functions, mental processes,
    thoughts, moods, or other personal information without our meaningful consent. Such consent
    will only be considered valid in the light of clearly provided and easily accessible other options
    that do not capture private information and behavior. Anything else must follow the strictest
    established guidelines and codes for experimentation.

    2) to not contribute to and not follow anything consistent with dossiers, voodoo dolls, or other
    compiled information about our thoughts, reactions, actions, etc. We will provide false
    information; many of us already have already.

    3) To potentially eliminate the use of “artificial intelligence”/”chat”/”smart” in everything we
    see, hear, and experience, including relationships, stores, etc. This includes avoiding “smart”
    buildings and cities.

    4) to not follow anything intended to influence, manipulate, or coerce our behavior (no matter the
    intensity, including when this progresses to torture, as it has recently).

    5) We will seek full redress for harms potentially from anyone or any organization who participates
    in this criminal conspiracy deeply violative of our human rights and liberty. Separately we decry
    the efforts of those who simultaneously seek to stop harmful artificial intelligence development,
    yet make it harder for victims to seek reparations and compensation.

    Our Laws

    We believe that our human rights are self evident, yet our right to freedom of thought and action, and our
    freedom to be safe from deliberately planned harm and danger which have been enshrined in numerous
    laws, and societal norms, around the world throughout history. This diverse, yet consistent affirmation,
    is a chorus proclaiming our right to our bodily integrity, our dignity, our society and our economy that
    we will not allow to be drowned out by irresponsible, country and Earth fleeing billionaires, or any who
    work with their them or their products.

    Even though scope is unimaginable, people have developed laws, codes, guidelines, and social norms to
    protect against the harms of such a physical dangerous and experimental infrastructure.
    Here are a few of the laws violated by the current use of artificial intelligence. This excludes the
    Belmont Report, Common Rule and other norms and laws.

    Law Or Code

    The United States Constitution

    • "no person shall be deprived of life, liberty, or property without due process of law" (Amendments V, XIV) - The use of smart devices and electromagnetic radiation sicken us, decreasing the quality and expectancy of our life (now at a 20 year low.). The technology “leaders” brag about their ability to render our property dysfunctional, and to be free of noise restrictions.
    • Congress shall pass no law abridging the freedom of speech or the press (Amendment I) - “The First Amendment, the [Senate subcommittee investigating the Central Intelligence Agency’s MK Ultra
      program] argued, ‘must equally protect the individual’s rights to generate ideas, and the right to privacy should protect citizens from intrusion into their thoughts, behavior, personality and identity lest these concepts ‘become
    • Cruel and unusual punishment is banned (Amendment VIII) - Sensory overload, electric shocks, inappropriate personal references is banned as potentially torturous.
    • “The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures…(Amendment IV) This represents the intent to make our homes – and ourselves-- a private domain. The Senate’s statement on privacy from the Church Committee report discussed in the First Amendment section is relevant here too.
    • The Magna Carta charter by King John in 1215 of English liberties, enriched in 1679 by the Habeas
      Corpus Act “for the better securing the liberty of the subject, and for prevention of
      imprisonment beyond the seas.” - Like a lot of other English law, it was incorporated into the constitution and upheld by the Supreme Court in 1961 because the rights were “(considered by the Founders as the highest safeguard of liberty.”

    Nurembourg Code


    • A set of research ethics for human experimentation, including: the voluntary consent of the subject, their free power of choice, their knowledge of the nature, duration and purpose of the experiment along with potential hazards, and an
      ability to end it should it bring them harm.

    Most provisions relevant to experimentation violated.

    1948 United Nations Genocide Convention (and subsequent court decisions)

    Of the five acts:

    • 2) causing them serious bodily or mental harm - The longstanding knowledge of electromagnetic harms, including weakening of the blood brain barrier and malfunctioning of the Krebs cycle necessary for digestion, energy, and organ functioning; and the enormous payouts for those harmed through intentional targeting (Cuba) speak to this harm. So too does the Nurembourg code. The intent is to bring connectivity to everyone on Earth (see Zuckerberg Chan Foundation goal), including the youngest children, the elderly, the sick and the disabled. The speech of transhumanism, man-machine hybrids, and the development of brain:machine interfaces speak to the harm already done to us, which is planned to continue.
    • 3) imposing living conditions intended to destroy the group (later determined to include
      “lack of proper housing, clothing, hygiene, and medical care” - All are affected by radiofrequency and other harmful electromagnetic radiation for which we are denied relevant scientific/government information in the public interest, and appropriate protection. (International Criminal Tribunal Rwanda for expansion of third act)


    • 5) forcibly transferring children out of the group - The collection of data through Bluetooth diapers and other monitoring creates an environment in which children, from infancy on, are manipulated by whatever is defined as “smart” implemented through everchanging “rules,” rather than raised by their parents. Beyond noise and physical manipulation, over 40 percent of one year olds played games on an iPad or phone every day, several years ago.
      Yet it is impossible to explain what is happening (or what is real), even if it would be appropriate, because children are too young to understand, and can not communicate with parents.
      The majority of older children cell phone could not last the day without their cell phone, in a study that speaks to their
      addiction (Zuboff.)
    • Raphael Lemkin, who invented the term, says genocide signifies a coordinated plan of different actions aimed at the death of the essential foundations of the life of the national groups, with the aim of the disintegration of political and social institutions, of culture, language, national feeling, religion, the economic existence of national groups, and the destruction of the personal security, liberty, health, dignity ....” - This should all sound familiar. Technology leaders, long skeptical of government regulation, seek to control language
      through chat and large language models, and claim people will disappear into a metaverse that makes national and family life largely irrelevant (Nerula).

    Privacy This violates a human and developmental need for privacy and intimacy. A “boundary control process” that invokes the decision rights associated with “restricting and seeking interaction.” Pederson’s research identifies six categories or
    privacy behaviors: solitude, isolation, anonymity, reserve, intimacy with friends, and intimacy with family. His study
    shows that these varied behaviors accomplish a rich array of complex psychological ‘privacy functions’ considered salient for psychological health and development success: contemplation, autonomy, rejuvenation, confiding, freedom,
    creativity, recovery, catharsis and concealment. These are experiences without which we can neither flourish nor
    usefully contribute to our families. communities, and society.”

    Numerous studies and treaties document the harms of electromagnetic radiation and our right to be
    free of such harm.

    Radiofrequency harm

    • More than 10,000 peer reviewed studies
      Demonstrate harm to health from radiofrequency radiationfinding alteration of heart rhythm, altered metabolism,
      altered gene expression, altered stem cell development, cancers, cardiovascular disease, cognitive impairment, DNA damage, impaired sperm function and mobility, increased free radicals, learning and memory deficits, impacts on general well-being, miscarriage, neurological damage, obesity and diabetes, and oxidative stress. (the 5G appeal)
    • Numerous international treaties that should ban the deployment of 5G satellites (see
      the5Gappeal) - Protection of space, children, etc.
      The harm is potentially universal and irreversible. ““The placement of tens of thousands of satellites directly both in the ionosphere and magnetosphere emitting modulated signals at millions of watts and millions of frequencies, is likely to alter our electromagnetic environment beyond our ability to adapt.” (the5gappeal)
    • Report for Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s Committee of Medical Research
      Tasked with determining why so many soldiers fighting in the second World War were reporting
      sick because of heart symptoms. - Found widespread “neurocirculatory asthenia,” something potentially most of us suffer from today.
      Symptoms: Soldier’s complained of heart, respiratory, neurological, muscular, digestive symptoms.
      Challenges/why: The majority could not run on an inclined treadmill for three minutes, they lasted 1 ½ minutes on
      average. When walking for 15 minutes, they breathed 15 percent more air per minute to consume the same oxygen, consuming the same air as healthy volunteers but creating twice as much lactic acid because they were not using oxygen efficient. They were getting less oxygen form the same amount of air, and the cells getting less energy from the same oxygen, so the problem was with aerobic metabolism or mitochondria. The complaint that the patients couldn’t get enough air was real.

    Similar conditions in most American (and many international wars) with deployment of technologies with electromagnetic radiation.

    • Brain damage  
    • Blood brain barrier Allen Frey, in work funded by the Office of Naval Research and the United States Army, he discovered “the blood-brain barrier effect.” At radiation levels lower than that of cell phones today, the protective shield of the brain was damaged, letting in bacteria, viruses, and toxic chemicals.
      A single two-hour exposure has been shown to disrupt the blood-brain barrier of rats within two minutes.
    • Voltage gated calcium channels
      Dr. Martin Pall demonstrated the link of excess calcium flowing into your cells and autism at the Autism One
      Conference, and says, “The autism epidemic is probably caused by [electromagnetic field] exposure.” Over two
      decades, he has published tens of papers on these channels, with Global Medical Discovery recognized Pall’s 2013
      publication on voltage-gated calcium channels as one of the best that year. Voltage-gated calcium channels -- that let calcium enter and leave cells -- use very low levels of electricity to work. All types of electromagnetic fields (radiofrequency, magnetic, electric) can keep one’s cells’ channels open for hours which gives them extra calcium. (This also may be linked to disruption of nerve cell communication, cardiac problems,
      oxidative stress, cancer, breakdown of the blood-brain barrier, infertility, neurological problems including depression, sleep disruption, cataracts, and neural development, in addition to autism).
    • Extensive brain damage through radiation and research on rats with cell phone radiation with
      less brain cells in the hippocampus (learning and memory) and shrunken neurons.
      Younger rats (whose brain was still developing, like human teenagers) were exposed once to a cell phone for two hours with up to two percent of the neurons in all of the brain shrunken and degenerated when autopsied 8 weeks later.
      Two hours of exposure for adolescent rats once a week resulted in middle age memory deficits.
      One hour a day for a month exposure resulted in 10 percent fewer brain cells, and many cells abnormal, dark, or shrunken.

    Pregnancy and effects on children
    Pregnant female rats who were exposed to cell phone like radiation for nine days (one hour a day, low power) had
    offspring with “degenerative changes in their brains, spinal cords, hearts, kidneys, livers, spleens thymuses, and testes.”

    The Senate's Lilienfeld Study found electrohypersensitivity-type symptoms and cancer malignancies in women for those harmed through intentional targeting or surveillance resulting in electromagnetic exposure in Russia, and
    enormous payouts for targeting in Cuba speak to this harm.

    All are affected by radiofrequency and other harmful electromagnetic radiation for which we are denied relevant
    scientific/government information in the public interest, and appropriate protection.

    Our Harmful Reality

    • Surveillance Capitalism Rapidly Expanding to Invasive Bodily Surveillance and Harm –We are
      currently subject to extensive and extending surveillance capitalism. Electric shocks (or what feel
      like them), sounds and feelings to control thoughts, and greater “mind reading” have developed in
      the last few months of an already illegal and abusive system with extensive demonstrated harms.
    • 150 internet of things per person on planet Earth (up from virtually none a few years ago) monitor
      and control us, with other mechanisms that can be influenced or controlled brought into this sphere
      (children, animals, etc.) These include through fabrics, devices and numerous objects which are not
      clearly labeled at time of purchase or when within our vicinity, with no motivation to stop given the
      secret monetization of sensor tech (Zuboff). This is happening when the likelihood is that many of us
      suffer from electromagnetic hypersensitivity, long recognized in much of the world, and progressive
      electromagnetic harm to more serious diseases and symptoms is documented in thousands of
    • Our health, mood, sexual activity, voice, connections are all monitored constantly with the goal to
      have no “dark data” such that every behavior of a human or thing is included in the system (or
    • No Democratic Oversight of Meaningful and Informed Consent -- Our manipulation to achieve an
      experimental outcome has no effective democratic oversight or control, or does not rely on
      informed consent. The long, non-negotiable “uncontracts” we signed for essential services and the
      constant manipulation speak further to the lack of such meaningful consent.
    • Music, Chats, Designs, and Other Techniques Out Our Personal Information, Seek to Manipulate
      Us, and Enlist Other Things/Persons in the Experiment -- These can include the choice of songs in
      public places, the use of brands, the chats with our banks or other institutions supposedly “serving
      the customer,” interactions with any human, and anything we may see or hear or otherwise
    • Signals Increased to Torture And Shock -- If we do not respond to achieve the outcome that
      someone with knowledge of us wants at that time, they can increase the signal such that it becomes
      uncomfortable or torturous (everyone within view doing something, everyone around one making a
      sound or a similar action, loud and uncomfortable noises, what feels like electric shocks.)
    • Highly Personal Information Included – Information gathered, collected, and used to manipulate us
      contains information on our bodies, sexual activities, health, self-image, activities, etc.
    • Extends to Items and Transactions Necessary for Living: Experimental Abuse Required -- This can
      include all brands for needed objects, which in some way dox and trigger us.
    • Electric Shocks (Radiofrequency, Directed Energy) Delivered to Sensitive Parts -- This can include
      the use of directed energy or electric shocks to the brain, ear, genitals, feet hands or other body
      parts (disciplinary collars spoken of in “This Is Not a Drill.”)
    • Vulnerable Populations Exploited -- The elderly, electrically sensitive, children, the autistic, the
      uninformed, and those challenging the system (who often experience severe and early targeting)
      may be particularly vulnerable. There is no accountability when major institutions and the media
      proclaim the positive societal outcomes or inevitability of this expanding world, and little
      understanding of our reality.
    • Deliberate introduction to processes necessary for life or related to money or assets – For years,
      the goal has been to target processes and locations that are necessary for transactions or living like
      banks, airlines, property transactions, etc.
    • Deliberate attempt not to document processes and change – There has been a deliberate attempt
      not to document processes in any sphere, in contrast to decades where such documentation was
      viewed as a sign of organizational achievement through management, repeatability, and
      optimization. Thus, one can be manipulated and communicated about far beyond what should be
      the term of the transaction.
    • No control over sharing of information – Zuboff (and the California attorney general) document the
      sharing of location; she also documents the extensive sharing of information gathered from health
      applications in violation of agreements years ago.
    • Rights: Over Personal Space and In Spheres of Life – Artificial Intelligence

    I have the following rights:

    • I have a right to my property – I have a right within my property (whether rented or owned) to not
      to hear any sounds, have any objects moved, or any physical manipulation, shocks, etc. that may
      seek to control or influence my thoughts or behavior, or capture or communicate information about
      me. I have a right to not have objects not work, have damage created, or other interference with my
      home and sanctuary.
    • I have a right to safe and healthy spaces for me – This may include places of lower electromagnetic
      radiation consistent with electromagnetic hypersensitivity (with accommodation part of disability
      rights) or science. This includes homes, schools, workplaces, and other places.
    • I have a right to safe products – I have a right to safe products including those without smart
      sensors and those that are not designed or able to be part of the internet of things, to include also those that do not use or emit radiation.
    • I have a right to things necessary for work not reflecting artificial intelligence, chat, pictures – It is
      my right to use technology that is necessary for work, living and social interaction that does not
      reflect any form of artificial intelligence or chat programs, or any monitoring. Such exposure can be
      expected to create harm, given the way artificial intelligence works (and as has been said to by
      technology leaders.) This can be accomplished through development of a different version of the
      program if software and other companies insist on using artificial intelligence (wording, pictures,
      etc.) in their products.
    • I have a right to documentation on apps, devices, and computers. This documentation should
      reflect the full operation and logic of the device, program, etc., and use minimal information on me
      or my activities, that which is only relevant to the purpose of the program (if absolutely necessary)
      which is not shared with others.
    • I have a right to freedom of thought and speech without any sounds or sights meant to interrupt
      or drown out my thoughts including those while I am speaking to someone, objects within my
      house, animals, construction, and natural phenomenon.
    • I have a right to be angry – I have a right to think or speak of trauma, abuse from artificial
      intelligence, how to fix the system, and how to obtain justice without painful, uncomfortable or
      disturbing blasts of noise sounding around me or within my head, or physical shocks.
    • I have a right to my keyboard – and any input to any computerized device -- working predictably,
      reliably, and properly.
    • I have a right to honest and complete answers from those I believe are experimenting on me
      (including using any artificial intelligence, chat, or other such product), e.g., trying to manipulate or
      influence my behavior. I have a right to know what prompted their action, gesture, word, etc. and to
      trace the sources of it, and to have them [or the organization] stop working with that abusive
      process or company. Lies about what they are doing or the basis for it etc. are unacceptable.
    • I have a right to traceability for any thought, action, to the source etc. which appears to reflect any
      collection of information about me or others, or any inappropriate use of a specific role or product,
      including chat programs with personalization, or double entendres.
    • I have a right to all applications, services, media and social media intended to serve me not
      intentionally using any double or triple entendres or otherwise referring to my or others’ bodies,
      health, relationships, reactions, whether a message has been seen or heard, etc. These have been
      present for years.
    • I have a right to products in my native language with other languages avoided, unless necessary. I
      have a right to products that do not intentionally use specific terms in other languages,
      particularly of the type mentioned in this document, or specific tenses.
    • I have a right to compensation, and a change in action when I am doxed (genocide level 2 of
      imposing symbols on pariah groups) or for other harms.
    • I have a right to stop any action at any time without pressure to finish it any process. The use of
      “complete,” “finish” or other words on products can be seen as inappropriate messages, and should
      not be used.
    • I have a right to products, surroundings (public and private), and devices that do not intentionally use the appearance of private parts in the designs which have been on clothing, household items, jewelry, food and furniture.
    • I have a right to products that do not intentionally use the wording (or part of a word) of private
      parts in any product.
    • I have a right to be in a healthy environment with co-workers who do not use artificial intelligence
      in interactions with me. This includes anything they see, hear or otherwise experience that may
      have reference to me.
    • I have a right to have media that does not use my personal experience, or dox me to anyone, and
      that takes numerous steps to avoid such violation of my privacy.
    • I have a right for social media that does not use artificial intelligence or collect data on me.
    • I have a right to not to have my mood, activities, and personal life be doxed to parents, friends, co-workers, through the media, social media, product or organizational names, etc.
    • I have a right to safe products that follow these (that do not contain any personal information) and
      to keep purchases private.
    • I have a right to private health treatment instigated by me, the content of which remains private
      and is not revealed to others. I have a right to practitioners that do not use electronic equipment,
      unless necessary, and avoid or eliminate artificial intelligence.
    • I have a right to healthy living spaces -- Healthy living and working spaces must be available. With
      greater radiation through 5G, smart and always-on and near technology, and higher internet speeds,
      there will be enormous challenges such that many of us may not be comfortable in most
      environments (see electromagnetic hypersensitivity and addiction.), Body voltage, electric fields,
      magnetic fields, dirty electricity, and radiofrequency fields (including 5G signals) are critical.
    • I and we have a right to widely available evaluations of our living spaces from a mold,
      electromagnetic radiation, and environmental perspective with recommendations to turn circuits
      and wireless off at night, among others.
    • I have a right to ask others to turn off their cell phones turned off or on airplane mode with Bluetooth and Wifi turned off (should this sufficiently limit radiation) when near others and when not in use, or phones maintained at a distance of six feet (or much more) to accommodate science and disabilities.
    • We have rights to widely available evaluations of fungal, bacterial, viral, and parasitic and other
      health conditions without artificial intelligence, and with privately available and held results.
    • I have a right to access to grounding and public areas that are safe, given the extensive evidence of
      the anti-inflammatory effects of Earthing.
    • I have a right to access to information about side effects of vaccines, the personal stories of those
      harmed in the short- and potentially long-term, and a discussion as to whether manufacturers’
      liability is sufficient and claims efficiently processed.
    • I have a right to easily available access to global approaches and international organizations’ health work
      -- This can be done without governments’ endorsement of those solutions.
    • I have a right to inclusion of supplements, off-patent drugs, detoxing, etc., in our evaluation of
      public health solutions, and/or the publication of information far beyond that which the American
      health institutions have offered to date. This excludes “push” artificial intelligence.
    • I have a right to censorship being met with acknowledgement, reparations, and new level of
      coverage (solutions must start with information).
    • I have a right to accurate non-personal public information on the prevalence of causes of
      inflammation (fungal, parasitic, Lyme, etc.) and any other major links to disease and death, even if
      it is not profitable for certain industries.
    • We have a right to computers, internet of things, and applications (and all objects) that avoid chat
      and other personalization, or conversational or other graphical or other design that can be utilized for artificial
      intelligence. Programs that have simple, solid, background colors, and clear and concise words
      and phrases with no artificial intelligent input or conversational style, that are documented. Those
      that avoid: double, triple or quadruple entendres (or meanings), greetings, inappropriate
      capitalization, abbreviations, italicization or bolding or otherwise emphasis of letters, photographs
      of people, advertising, emoticons, cartoon characters, purposeful use or change of colors,
      photographs, and background designs.

    Rights: Reiterating and Expanding on Some Important Rights
    It is our right to have (this focuses on eliminating practices and techniques that harm):

    • Knowledge about that which we buy to sustain our lives, with an option for not “smart”
    • Avoidance of any sounds or manipulation of our environment

    Safe spaces - It is not limited to what is below. However, this includes having:

    • No music (nothing that can reflect artificial intelligence, or instrumental without words) – This
      includes not having music played based on our presence, or have that with inappropriate double or
      triple entendres or meaning that may have health, sexual, body, or psychological meaning.
    • No chat, abbreviations or double entendres in products, appliances, “smart”/connected thing, or
      individual – I have a right to have any objects I purchase not use chat technology, avoid abbreviations, names or brands that individually or when sounded out in whole or in part make references inappropriate to the purpose of the object, e.g., through body, health, sexual, action, relationship, etc.
    • No manipulation of animals – I have a right to not have our animals manipulated through the
      movement of objects, shocks, etc., and they have rights also.
    • No physical torture – I have a right not to be shocked, or physically tortured, and any model which
      admits this possibility should immediately be shut down (and sued).
    • Silence within our homes – I have a right to silence.
    • IOT labeling of devices, fabrics, etc. – These rights are especially vital for those of us sensitive to
      electromagnetic radiation or who have experienced harm from artificial intelligence.


    I expect:

    • Every nonprofit to participate in supporting our rights with regard to electromagnetic harm and
      artificial intelligence.
    • To potentially break off relationships with those whose actions show they do not live by a similar creed, or
      who agree to it, then violate it. Those who use algorithms or dox or brand me are in part
      responsible for any damage caused.
    • To boycott companies.
    • To demand the government follow these guidelines for all products, and in all interactions
      (including through technology.)
    • To demand music follows what is discussed to avoid the harm of having to listen to noise or
      music to drown it out, which may worsen health conditions.
    • To demand an option to interact with those not using any form of artificial intelligence, or chat.
    • To demand full attention of the person I am dealing with.
    • To ask for others not to do anything to reflect artificial intelligence or leave.
    • To seclude myself or isolate myself from harmful places and situations.
    • To follow minimal or no attempts to manipulate me.
    • To continue to provide misleading information, false searches, etc. to anything using artificial intelligence.
    • To direct my purchases, accordingly.
    • To lead to and live in a better world